September 2015 Moms

What do u do when someone tells ur husband that this is not ur child

My husband came home gave me news that he got a phone call at work from someone that says this aint his child and I have done nothing wrong but try fix our relationship i don't know what to do now

Re: What do u do when someone tells ur husband that this is not ur child

  • Geeze, that sucks! Do you know why this person would tell him that?
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  • That's very strange. What would motivate someone to say that?
  • I'd confront this person with or without my husband. I HATE people like that. Whoever I can confront I do! I hope only the best. People love to ruin things.
  • If the person who said this has no credibility and no reason to make up such a story, just tell your husband that it must have been an inappropriate joke and tell him he has nothing to worry about. I'm sure guys get insecure about this stuff and that phone call probably made it a lot worse. If all else fails, get a paternity test when the baby comes. If there is possible truth behind the phone call, it might be time to come clean and let the healing process start. Good luck!
  • Wow.. He should believe you anyway.marriage voWs are thicker than any drama..
    I'd demand to know whom this person was though..
  • That is so disturbing i feel bad for you but worse for him. I would reassure him the baby is his if you can 100% say that amd offer to have a paternity test done. So sorry that is a mean thing for someone to do to yall.
  • Is it his child?
    Is it?
  • This is a tough situation. If you genuinely were faithful and this is his baby then you should have no reason to feel guilty. He should trust you when you say that it is his baby. However, if there is a chance that it is someone else's child and a friend of his was concerned and told him then I can't blame them either. If someone were unfaithful to me (not saying you were because I don't know) I would want someone to tell me about it. If there is a chance then I would come clean and try to move forward. It wouldn't be fair to him to have him raise someone else's child if he chose not to. Again, not pointing fingers because I don't know you, but just my thoughts. Good luck!
  • If it is his, there is nothing to stress about and I would just shake it off. If your husband trusts you then there shouldn't be a problem. If he doubts you, then get a paternity test done.

    If there was a slip up on your part and there is question that the baby might not be his, you need to tell him. He deserves to know, and it is better than waiting until the baby is born and he or she looks nothing like him.

    It is unfortunate that there are people out there who need to stir things up out of spite, jealousy, or just to be malicious.
  • 3 things come to my mind...of course none of them have to be valid and I can entirely be thinking horrible things due to reality t.v. but...
    1) is that something in his mind and he is covering it up with the phone call thing?
    2) some woman is after him and creating drama
    3) is he seeing someone on the side who is ear hustling him?
  • If you've been faithful then there is nothing to do except reassure him of your faithfulness and that this is his baby. Miserable people like to stir things up especially when it means ruining someone else's happiness. Sad but true. Hopefully he trusts you over whoever this other person is. 

    If it's not his baby...well I honestly don't even an answer for that. I guess it would just be time to have that conversation in order to move forward
  • Any update from the OP?
  • Hmmm hey troll :) Back away from our group! We protect each other! @bumptara please assist.

    33 years old, Married Oct '11,

    Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.

    BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!

  • Wait I'm confused now....
  • My fiancé and I are honestly going through the same issue. He was in a past relationship where the woman had cheated and he waited nine long months to find out if it was his. I've never given him a reason to doubt me but actually offered a paternity test. Once I did that he felt way more comfortable because I was okay with it. (Didn't seem like I was hiding something). Does it hurt my feelings and make me feel a little low about myself, yeah. I blame some on the hormones. I would just offer the test and then find out who the drama starter is and make sure they know you Willingly offered. Maybe they will change their little snark attitude. Good luck to you!
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