September 2015 Moms

Pregnant Teacher Question!

Hi all! I am a 3rd grade teacher and am 11 weeks3d. I was wondering if there were any other pregnant teachers here! If so, when did/ do you plan to tell your students? Many adults in the building know (due to my very excited brother's FB post!). I wanted to wait till 13 weeks but now that so many others know, it will be hard to keep it from them! And, I'm not going to get any smaller!!!

Re: Pregnant Teacher Question!

  • I teach 7th and 8 th grade, and I have only really told a couple of key people in the building that I work (teacher next door (in case of bathroom emergency ), nurse, and dh (we work in the same building )). I'm currently waiting for genetic testing to come back before we tell everyone (in am over the magic age of 35), and the I will tell everyone.

    Last time with ds, I never really told the kids at school because the other staff members told them in passing. Lol. But they would ask questions about me being pregnant, which was kind of funny. I was also due the end of august the last time too, so it will be similar this time around most likely.

    From personal experience with 3rd graders, they will just ask or state point blank, so honestly you probably won't have to worry about when to tell them. Lol.

    1999- Dx Prolactinoma

    8-25-2012 - Lucas born via C-section at 38 Weeks 2 days
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


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    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Hello! I teach high school. I haven't told my classes yet, but I do help coach soccer and those girls know. I figured I had to tell them because they were wondering why I wasn't playing and running around with them like usual. Mainly because I didn't feel good.

    I figure that, since my girls know, others will probably start finding out soon. That's usually what happens at the high school level. My next appointment is March 20, so I have thought about waiting until after that appointment to say something. I'll be into the second trimester by then.
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  • I teach 8th grade. Most of my co-workers know - I started bawling in a meeting so I kind of had to come clean! Haha! I plan on telling my kids next week - I will be 12 weeks then and have an ultrasound on Monday. If all is well, I'll tell the kids after that.

    I'm not really sure about how to begin the conversation since it won't mean anything for them school-wise (they won't have a sub since they will be in 9th grade at that time). It feels oddly intimate to share with a whole group of kids at once...any ideas?
  • I'm an assistant teacher at a preschool. The kids are individually finding out As I tell them not to jump on me or my DD tells them
    <imageimage Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFetus Ticker>
  • I work with k-5 kids with severe needs on the autism spectrum- so I won't really be telling them per say haha. The ladies in the classroom know and after my second OB appointment today, if all is well, I will tell the rest of the teachers on friday.
  • My grade level team knows because I slipped one day and they know me well anyways. I told my Vice Principal because I felt she needed to know with a situation I am dealing with in my class. A lady in the lunchroom knows because she called me out. Everyone else just stares at my stomach and doesn't ask. I will tell all next week after my appointment if I hear the heart beat (can't remember if she checks this time). If not, I will wait till Thursday after my ultra sound. I will tell my class when they they ask.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    DD1: born 8/3/2010               DD2: born 12/25/2013
  • I don't really plan on telling the kids at the school I work with. I float around as a special ed aid and work lunch duty. Mostly just waiting for some of them to bluntly ask me why my belly is getting big! haha. 
  • I teach 2nd and haven't told anyone but my coteacher, I'm 10w today. Will tell my P and AP after 12w scan. I don't plan on announcing to my students. They are pretty blunt at 7years old :) curious what comments they just spit out

    33 years old, Married Oct '11,

    Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.

    BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!

  • I'm a primary substitute teacher but I'm at the same school almost every week. I also taught a class there last year. I'm 12 and a half weeks now but not showing much. I think I'll wait until it's harder to hide and then tell the kids. Maybe week 15? Kids need to see a bump to understand sometimes. They will be so cute in their responses whenever you decide!
  • Everyone should post the cutest comment from a student!

    33 years old, Married Oct '11,

    Summer '14: Diagosed with hypothryoidism, pollup, LPD, Low AMH, strong FSH.

    BFP: 1/22/15. EDD: 9/23/14. Rainbow baby!

  • I am an elementary librarian. I see all the students in the school once a week. I told all of my coworkers around 11 weeks. A few kids know because their parents saw it on facebook and told them. They haven't said much to me but one teacher told me they were talking to her about it. I plan to just see how it goes. I taught 1st grade when I had my DS and can't really remember if or when I told my kids.
  • For my son I was working with third graders and wasn't due til October 2013. The teachers knew but I didn't tell the students and they figured it out the next year when I was showing. This year I'm working with 8 th graders and I will not be telling them either. Luckily I don't seem to show until I am late in the second trimester which is in the summer.
  • I also teach 3rd grade. The people in the building who need to know already know. I won't make a big announcement until 13 weeks but I can't wait to tell my students. I just know how excited and happy they will be for me.
  • I am a 2nd grade teacher. My coworkers know because I've been extremely sick from it and have missed a lot of days. My kids know I'm having "tummy problems" and have been really sweet with me when I am quieter because of the nausea. I don't plan on announcing it to the kids to avoid questions. I am just going to wait until one kid realizes and points it out. What other elementary teachers out there are ready for the question, "Where do babies come from?" I may tell my kiddos to ask their parents if they ask me.
  • Hey!! I'm a third grade teacher, too! I'm due late September and told my kids at our valentines party. I read a short valentines story then ended it "mrs.broome is going to be a mommy!" The kiddos were super excited! The parents have been very supportive, too! Where do you teach? Also, they never asked about where babies come from. If they did I would ask them to ask their parents. That's not my job! Haha
  • MiromiMMiromiM member
    edited February 2015
    I teach high school chemistry. I'm going  to tell my students after Spring Break when I'm around week 13. I plan on writing:
    "Barium, Boron, Yttrium" in big letters on my side white board and waiting until someone figures it out. Barium=Ba Boron=B Yttrium=Y so BaBY

    Someone will eventually figure it out and the news will spread like wild-fire.

    I will say, to give them credit, that some of them can already tell there's something "weird/ different" going on with me already although no one has come out and asked.

    Edited so not to double post:

    My coteacher is 30 weeks pregnant. Two of the funnest things my students have said last week are:

    S1 (talking to me) "Pregnant women be crazy! Isn't that right Mrs. O?"


    S2 (talking to my coworker) "All you do is look at pictures to eat. You can put (weight) on easy enough but once the baby comes you'll be struggling like WWII." (Say what!?)

    *Siggy Warning*


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I teach kindergarten and I am not telling anyone in the building since I won't be returning to the school. I've thought about telling my kids right before they leave for summer, but I'm afraid staff will end up finding out due to their excitement
  • I teach 8th grade and told my kids on Tuesday at class was already guessing because I've had to take so many sick days lately. I almost threw up in 1st period and couldn't keep the secret any longer!

    Funniest responses were: "What have you been doing in your spare time Mrs.M?!? You're grounded!"

    They're also already taking dibs on naming rights!
  • I'm a middle school band director and so far just my assistant knows. I'm 10 weeks today. I plan to tell the adults in the building after my next appointment on March 16. Then I'm going to tell my band kids that I heard the coolest music ever and play them a recording of the baby's heartbeat to see if they can figure out what it is. I'm excited to see their reaction!
  • I teach 8th grade. I'm not telling my admin and students right before or until after Spring break. I'll be about 15 weeks at that point, but I'm also not returning to the school next year. We are moving from CA to AZ where I'll need to start applying for jobs in mid-April. I might tell them I'm pregnant before break, then let them know we've decided to move after break. Still, I'm not sure of the timing of when to have this with my principal. When is a good time?

     I'm not as close with this staff or students as I have been at my previous school site, so I'm hesitating. Things are exactly warm and fuzzy around there with contract negotiations ramping up and high stakes testing on the horizon.
  • I teach 5th grade. Honestly, I have a group of really "mean girls". I'm worried about them making rude comments about me gaining weight. I know I won't take it well, and I don't want them to upset me. I really don't know if I will tell this group. It will be obvious to next year's group.
  • I teach third grade also. I was trying to think of fun and creative ideas. In the past I've known teachers who made their announcement to their students through hangman. We are learning about Ancient Egypt right now and I was thinking of writing my exciting news in hieroglyphics and having my class decode it...
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