
Finally licensed! Now we wait!

4 days short of a year ago we started our process to get licensed to foster and adopt a baby. We just got the call that we are now officially licensed. Now we just wait for the baby meant for us! Please pray that we find that match! We're so excited :-)
(Former UN: iloveshanej)

Birdie born 05/01/2007
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

Potato Launcher

Re: Finally licensed! Now we wait!

  • You soon will. What is meant to be will be. We had been licensed for less than a month when we took on a sibling set a boy and girl 3 and 2. *advice for the future: don't take on more that what u can habdle* with that said Us being first timers we really didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. Needless to say they only stayed with us three weeks. A few months went by, and we got plenty of calls while we waited. We knew we wanted just one and infant preferably. One day we got a call for a baby boy I called back but the social worker needed to look through files and choose the best fit. A month went by and we finally received a call back. I said yes and we were on our way to pick up a one month old baby boy. So nerve wrecking but exciting. That was 10monrhs ago. He is still with us despite the fact that there were a few times he should've gone home but has not. One thing or another and he has stayed. We live one day at a time and we hope and pray for the best. Not for us but for him. Foster care is very hard, and emotional roller coaster but so worth it!!!
  • Thank you @mimis530, I should've updated. We've have a baby boy for almost two months now. Our licensing worker called us just two weeks after we got licensed and asked if we could take a 6 month old and he was here in two hours. It looks like he will be with us long term if not permanently!
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
    Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

    Potato Launcher

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  • Good luck to both of you!
  • Any update?

    Adoption dot com and diaper swappers dot com both have fostering forums.
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