Pregnant after 35


Hey guys my name is Des I'm 35 and pregnant with my 3rd child. 15 boy, 6boy, and now someone new is coming! I'm having mixed feelings but I'm sure it's just hormones. Could someone explain to me the abbreviations because I'm lost in the sauce! Lol! DD...DS...etc... Help!

Re: Newbie

  • KaLikeAWindKaLikeAWind member
    edited February 2015

    In the Bump Guidelines thread there is a link to an acronyms list. Quick ones I see used most - DD dear daughter, DS dear son, DH dear husband, LO little one

    ETA (edited to add) that the link is not working right now from the mobile webpage. Maybe you'd have better luck with the actual webpage version on an actual PC. You can also search for it

    ETA also, a welcome. I got so wrapped up in trying to find you the glossary that I forgot my manners. Welcome, and congrats. ;)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ETA Again - I cannot find the glossary of terms anywhere on this site anymore. @BumpTara, as far as I can tell, the glossary is straight up missing. The link from the guidelines just takes me to the home page, the search function doesn't produce it, and I couldn't find it under help. I am now on the actual web version from an actual PC so I doubt its an issue with the app or mobile web version. Just FYI. New people are going to be confused by all the acronyms, and I know some board members (not on this board, this board is chill. Other boards) that may jump on someone for constantly asking what the acronyms mean. Not a very welcoming environment, when you don't know how to speak the lingo and get criticized for it.

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  • Congratulations and welcome to the board :)
  • Just chiming in from ttc>35.
    We have a list in our welcome message so go to out board and take a look.

      Me:39, DH:40

    DD born 8/96, DS born 8/04


    NTNP since 2006, active trying 1/13

    Natural M/C 3/13 at 7 weeks

    CP 2/14

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    All welcome

  • Welcome.. congrats!  It took me a minute to understand all of the abbreviations too. :) You'll catch on. 
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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    <a href="" title="Getting Pregnant"><img src="" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
  • Congrats! Welcome to the board!! :)
    ME: 40, DH: 44, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
    BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
    TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!! DS born 3/13/2015
  • Congrats & welcome!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Hi and welcome.  I am 42 and pregnant with our 8th.  I have a 16 boy, 14 girl, 101/2 boy, 8 boy, 5 girl, 3 boy and 1 1/2 girl.
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