This is mostly a question for STM... How long did it take you to lose the baby weight and what did you find was the best way to go about it?
I am normally an active person but have always been weight conscious. I had lost a lot of weight a few years back and the number on the scale is playing with my head! I am active now but still feel restricted. I am already starting to think of how I want to get rid of the weight!
Re: Ditching the baby weight after baby
My second was born at 39 weeks and with him I gained more than 40 lbs. Let's just say I stopped paying attention to the scale after it had passed 160. I think it was closer to 50lbs. It took me 6 months to get back to 120 and a flat stomach. It took another month to be bikini ready with a set of abs.
Six years later I am pregnant with #3 and i'm giving myself at least 9 months to see results before I backslide and gorge myself on a box of twinkies and a bottle of wine while crying on the treadmill.
I honored the 6-week recommended recovery time and only went on a short walk every day. After 6 weeks I started running again. I got in some pretty bad eating habits at the end of my pregnancy - like ice cream every day - so changing my eating habits was what real did the trick. Breastfeeding helped but really it was the eating habits.
Good luck x
After 2 kids though, I'm about 10 pounds heavier than before.
But it took months for my stomach to not slide off to the side when I was laying down.
I don't think you should freak out if it doesn't happen as fast as you want.