
Mom passed away

My mom passed away yesterday. I Was very close to her. I would send her text messages everyday throughout the day with updates and pics of her grandchildren. She enjoyed seeing the pics and I enjoyed sending them. It was like daily therapy bc it is lonely sometimes being a sahm and she as a retiree would get lonely at home too. I feel lost now. Yesterday it hit me that my mom is not here and other people don't really care that my dd ate peas for lunch or that my ds did poops on the potty. My mom looked forward to the daily updates. I realized that continuing to document my kids growing is therapy for me. Does anyone know of any ways I can continue to do this? I thought about setting up an email address in her name to continue to send pics and stuff but I like to get a response back too lol. I was even desperate enough to consider setting up an out of office with a special message from her whenever I send stuff just so I can "feel" like she's still here. I'm not into posting baby pics or updates on fb/twitter. I've thought about starting a blog but I'm really a private person when it comes to sharing pics. Anyone have any ideas on how I can continue to feel like I'm sharing stuff with her. Is there an app for that lol? I feel lost and sharing my kids growing up helps me co

Re: Mom passed away

  • So sorry for your loss.
  • I think you should definitely set up and email address and at least send the pics that way for awhile.  It may make you feel good, but it may be heartbreaking as you do it too. I'm so sorry for your loss, I wish I had a better answer for you :-(

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  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I completely understand how you feel. Definitely try the email. It won't be the same, but it may help. ((Hugs))
  • I'm so sorry for your loss!

    I think the email sounds like a good idea.  I also think that you could totally blog if you wanted to.  The only way someone else would see your blog is if you shared the address with them.  I find writing to be cathartic so I would go that route, but I can understand wanting the response too.

    I hope you find something that brings you comfort!
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  • So sorry for your loss, an email is a good idea, maybe also start a memory book of her too, so you can show it to you children, and you can also look at it whenever you need that connection with her.
  • ((Hugs)). So sorry for your loss.

    Do whatever makes you still feel connected to her - I think the email idea is wonderful.

    Did you communicate via email mostly?
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  • edited March 2015
    I'm sorry for your loss. My mom died when my first was 2 months old. I started a journal for each of my kids when my 2nd was born. I fill it with stories of my mom, stories of them, all the great advice she used to give me and I put pictures in it too. It was very cathartic. 9 years later and I can't remember the last time I added an entry in either one of their books. I did start a Facebook page that I have not shared with anyone, though. Whenever I find something I think would be something my mom would say or something she'd want to teach them, I share it there.
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