September 2015 Moms

Achievement of the Day!

Tell us your achievements! Small, big, serious or silly.

I have miraculously found a little energy in the past couple days, and went for a hours walk in the spring sunshine today! Needed a pee halfway through but otherwise felt great :) Who knows I might even get around to clean the house this weekend!

Re: Achievement of the Day!

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    I actually let a very close friend (who knows about the pregnancy already) to come by with her LO so that my toddler could have a friend to play with for a bit.  This is a big deal, because I am used to hosting people, but I spent the most of the time relaxing--- I was just too sick-- but it was good to receive the help!
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    Spring?? Not here in Ontario, my goodness. I made a full dinner after work yesterday!
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    I went to the chiropractor and got an adjustment to do away with my migraines. So now no headaches but still a little nauseous.
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    kaylaef said:

    Spring?? Not here in Ontario, my goodness. I made a full dinner after work yesterday!

    "Spring" !!??!! that is what I said. Lol I am so done with this winter.
    Today was a good day and I did some food shopping and dinner and laundry and took out the dog for a longer walk and rewatched The Walking Dead and and took a 2 hour nap. yay!!!
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    I went to the store after work, came home and immediately cooked dinner. I can't tell you the last time we ate something that wasn't as simple as spagetti or that my husband fixed. It was nice to do that again. And now I am actually reading a book instead of napping! A good sign my energy is coming back...
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    Something must be in the air! I was able to stop on the way home for gas and a car wash. Then I got home and did some backyard sprucing (dog pick up...) and put away/refilled the dishwasher! That's more in one afternoon than I've done in three days! Now if only I could make myself grade more....but I'm just so tired and braindead by the end of the day!
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    I didn't take a nap today...yet. That's my accomplishment because I've taken 3 to 4 hour naps (sometimes more than one! ) everyday this week. But there's still a few more hours left today so who knows lol.
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    spring, LOL!! I think that's a myth :smiley:

    I'm proud of myself today because I went to all my classes even tho I was throwing up this morning, did well on my midterm (I think), and finished all my assignments on time without having to plead sick (again). but I'm most proud of myself because I had to do this project, that is basically like computer programming, with a partner who is a guy that is very patronizing toward me; and I not only did my parts well, I did them using software he couldn't figure out, AND I fixed mistakes in HIS code. lol. he's probably not too happy about that :stuck_out_tongue: but I feel good about myself!
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    I made it through a lunch with a friend without her finding out - aka I didn't run to bathroom to throw up. Would of canceled but this has been planned before ms started and haven't seen her in a while.

    Oh and I wore a bra today! Haha sorry boobs are getting bigger or just hurting and I'm a SAHM so I haven't been wearing one at home.
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    Washed half a sink of dishes, took a shower, and went to work without crying (even when I realized halfway through my class that I forgot my students' exams at home and would have to leave and come back).
    I feel like I should make a list of accomplishments daily-- been feeling super useless lately...
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    I left the house for the first time in 5 days. In top of being sick all day from the pregnancy and having a sick toddler, I have caught her nasty cold. But We still dressed (sweats count right?) and ran a few errands. This is a major accomplishment. I've been so dizzy from the progesterone that I haven't been able to drive in almost 2 weeks ... Small steps
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    I cleaned my room and bathroom, worked a half-day, went to the post office and grocery store, bought some new sneakers and now lying in bed watching Cops. Pretty successful day!!
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    I showered amd put in actual clothes, went to my internship, then gave 2 massages (massage therapist), stopped at garbanzo s,.washed my bedding
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    I walked my dog, and the Real Feel temp was -30. I'd say that was an achievement for a couple reasons! On days like this when I set out to get things done only to find I don't have energy or feel too sick, it's easy to become discouraged.Thanks for offering the positive spin!
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    kaylaef said:

    Spring?? Not here in Ontario, my goodness. I made a full dinner after work yesterday!

    Haha! I'm in the UK, South. Our winter equates to 3 days of half an inch of snow - if we're lucky - and then just tons of rain :)

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    I got the house clean, worked two hours, and then helped entertain some friends who stopped by for a beer with my husband after work! It was almost a normal day, which is amazing since I slept the entire day before! Now, this morning, I'm back in bed... One day at a time, girls!
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    I slept in until 9 a.m. and had a donut for breakfast haha. But I did squeeze in a quick walk already and now, off to work!! Have a great day ladies!
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    Did my 100 squats and drank 10 glasses of water today!!
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    I managed not to freeze today. (I'm so over this winter)
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    Finally finished our homeschool lesson plans for the remaining quarter. I've been painting a bedroom for two of my three girls and I'm almost done (one more coat on the trim!).

    Decided spur-of-the-moment to paint the blue walls in a classic soft pink and the brown trim in antique white (attached image but took that late and my old house has the worst lighting). I will paint their dressers, too. Maybe a soft mint color. Probably wait for warmer weather, though, because I paint dressers outside. Trying to get these big projects out of the way before I'm huge.

    I also cleaned and did some organizing today. Made a real dinner. Now I'm in bed on TheBump app and have been for far too long lol. I don't have adults to talk to ALL day unless I get on here!
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    That pink is so pretty @WDDCH‌ ! You got a lot accomplished, congrats!
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    Thanks @mrscaterosales‌ !
    I bought the paint over a year ago for a small project. It was supposed to be a small quart but the lady mistakenly made it as a full gallon so I got it real cheap. Turns out when I started painting a ROOM with it (and not a little craft project) it was Pepto Bismal pink and too much. I custom mixed the color to this shade by adding white paint to it, to soften it up!
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    Slept through the whole night (after a bed time protein shake), got up early and worked the morning away! Had a healthy lunch, now back to work. Have a great day ladies!
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    Ate a 'normal' amount of food for the first time in weeks without feeling nauseous and having to eat between meals! Also got work done between the dizzy spells and going to vacuum the house this morning (midwife coming over for first visit, don't want her to think I'm a slob! ;) )
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    Left the house and didn't come back WINDED like it's been the past few weeks. Who'd thought that would be such an accomplishment? Otherwise I've been feeling pretty useless, which has been starting to get to me. The first trimester can be really isolating...wasn't expecting this.
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    Packed half of our apartment up!! Moving day is tomorrow so I had no choice but to finally stop procrastinating...
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    Hang in there @preggersinparis I hear it gets better, and I'm sure we're all winded over small tasks these days haha! How's the weather in Paris? I'm in sunny California, USA and it's 7:00pm and nice and warm still!
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    I managed to eat a big salad tonight, without gagging. I used to love all things leafy and green, and suddenly they make me want to puke. I really need to squeeze in more healthy foods, so I just chopped up all the goods and started to chew away. I ate the entire salad, and while my taste buds weren't happy, I kept it down!!! Huge achievement for me!
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    @musicmomma00 How did the move go? I hope it went smoothly!
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    My achievement today was finally getting caught up on OUAT for the return on Sunday. I started watching the show on Netflix after Christmas and just got the last three episodes in tonight (have to watch on ABC's site since Netflix doesn't have current season). I'm caught up, woo hoo! No more stumbling upon spoilers.
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    What is OUAT? @WDDCH
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    What is OUAT? @WDDCH

    Sorry! It's Once Upon a Time.

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    Oh that's okay, I just haven't seen it so I'm not up to speed on the acronym haha! Thanks
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    I came home from uni and ran myself the usual bath. Whilst waiting for it to run, I cleaned the bathroom, changed the bedding and tidied round upstairs.
    I just hope I have the energy to do something productive today!
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    We're visiting my (future) in laws this weekend, and don't want to reveal this pregnancy until after the scan in 2 weeks time. Mother in law loves feeding people and there were so many times that I had things on my plate I really couldn't or shouldn't be eating! But we managed to keep our little play going by constantly swapping things around or SO taking a bite of my food and having my drinks, when they didn't see. Result! I don't know if they heard me going to the bathroom 3 times during the night tho :)
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