September 2015 Moms

Help! Uk first time mom

Hi all,

Just after a bit of support, I am going out of my mind stressing. I turned 12 weeks today, it's my first pregnancy, my first scan is on Thursday and I am absolutely petrified!

I have only really had quite mild symptoms all along, sleepy really early, a bit sick, mainly when I wake up because I'm all snotty from in the night. My boobs were sore until about week 5. But everything seems to have disappeared completely the last couple of days. I had a couple of cramps the last couple of days, that's it. I have made the mistake of googling it and have come to the conclusion I've either had a missed miscarriage or symptoms are just calming down because I'm reaching the end of first trimester.

Help! Just need a bit of reassurance to help me through tonight and tomorrow, I can't stop worrying no matter how hard I try! I keep trying to think it's out of my control so just go with it but it's so hard, I know I need to calm down :(

Re: Help! Uk first time mom

  • Don't panic, first time UK mum here too. I don't feel pregnant at all. Very rarely feel sick, still getting tired quite quickly but apart from that, nothing. I still have the occasional cramp, nothing too bad or that lasts very long. I've got my scan on Friday so nervous excited. Just relax, if you've not had severe cramping or bleeding then I wouldn't worry. I've read lots of reports that say that after the first 12 weeks lots of women don't feel pregnant anymore and it's only the belly situation that shows they are. You will chill a it once you see it on Thursday. :)
  • Thanks Jenni. Have you got a bump yet? I think I'm just bloat, I can still suck my tummy in.

    My hubby says I need to chill because I can't go the next 6 months like this, he's being so supportive but I can't snap out of it! Last year was full of ups and downs, we got pregnant literally straight away so I'm finding it hard to believe- they say if something seems too good to be true it usually is, but you can't think like that can you!

    I just need to see everything's ok Thursday, I've had no bleeding or pain so like you say that's a good sign. There are just so many sad stories on the Internet! I'm petrified and excited at the same time!
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  • Hi I'm a first time UK mum too. Please don't panic! I'm only 8w2d, having my scan just before 12 weeks. I've only been tired and had some queasiness and minor food aversions, boobs were sore til week 5-6, now only minor occasional pain. Today even the tiredness and queasiness seemed to be gone. Like you I kept googling things and stressing myself out, then one day I applied some logic to my racing thoughts and came to the conclusion that 'no major bleed and cramps' actually means I'm still fine. There is no reason whatsoever to think otherwise. Some women just get used to the hormones quicker. And some women don't even know they're preggers until they start to pop! (Close friend of mine!) I'm sure your scan is going to show a happy little gummy bear :) please let us know how it goes!
  • Aw thank you for that. I know I keep trying to get my brain in check! I think it's just my brains way of trying to prepare myself just Incase it's bad news. But you're right, why should it be! Stupid Google!!! :)
  • Also, a lot of the the stories you'll find online are American, and they can often have first scans really early when there might still be complications, whilst at 12 weeks the risks have already dropped dramatically. And people are more likely to write about sad stories rather than regular pregnancies ;)
  • True, I've noticed that. It's mainly the missed miscarriage thing that has completely stressed me out. It's all out of our hands though I guess! I know the chances are everything will be ok! Must stay positive! :smile:
  • I think I have a bit of a bump already, trousers are rather tight. Whenever I had a random pain or sudden panic I just kept asking yield whether j would think anything of it if I wasn't pregnant, and the answer was always no I wouldn't. You'll calm down, don't worry.
  • Good news!!! All is good!!! I'm just over 12 weeks and everything going well! I am so relieved and lesson learned DO NOT LOOK ON THE INTERNET!!!! Time to relax and enjoy! X :)
  • That's great news!! So happy for you! Can't wait for mine :)
  • Thank you! Good luck at yours!!! It's so amazing seeing that little heart fluttering! X
  • embobolinaembobolina member
    edited February 2015
  • Oh wow!! That's so cool! I'm jealous now! x
  • JosefinK said:

    Also, a lot of the the stories you'll find online are American, and they can often have first scans really early when there might still be complications, whilst at 12 weeks the risks have already dropped dramatically. And people are more likely to write about sad stories rather than regular pregnancies ;)

    Amen! I drove my self crazy reading the horror stories because I only have mild symptoms, I ended up booking an early private scan to calm me down and all was well. I'm 10 weeks today and my symptoms have steadied to I run out of breath quickly, travel sickness (?) tiredness and post tea bloat/indigestion.

    After I spoke to my midwife and had the scan I calmed down a lot I believe your body will tell you if something bad is up. I wouldn't listen to the Americans because their process is so different to ours, I'm only using
    The Bump because I like the home screen.

    Relax and enjoy it x
  • Oh and my midwife rolled her eyes at me when I told her in a sheer panic I've been googling things, her advice nothing else.
  • Hi Bubba! Exactly! I have just done a post advising people just to not look online, it's just self torture!!!! Just because it has happened to someone else doesn't necessarily mean it will happen to you, everyone's different, just go with it and take care of yourself!!!
  • Enjoy today Jenni329! X
  • Hey ladies, just checking in to see how you all are. I'm back at work tomorrow ( I'm a teacher ) straight into GCSE deadline time so a bit worried. Got very broody over the past week and bought a totally gorgeous yellow rain anorak from M&S
  • This thread is a HUGE relief to me. I basically did the same thing - no symptoms, and I've convinced myself baby isn't doing well. 2 weeks till next scan...just trying to remind.myself that my body is meant to do this and may just handle hormones better than most. Thank you for the reassurance from this!
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hi bubba! All good just a sexy case of constipation lol (tmi?!) don't be stressing about work! I've gone all broody too, we went and bought 5 little baby grows, couldn't Resist!!!

    Ktewart yes don't be overthinking things, your mind plays games with you. Just try and relax, trust that everything's ok. If you're worried about anything just call your midwife for a bit of reassurance x
  • I'm a UK mummy too. FTM. I've got my scan on Thursday am sooooooo nervous/excited. Literally counting down the hours till we have it but dreading it too just encase it's bad news! Wish me luck and I'll update you once we've had the scan xx
  • Ladies, I've done something really silly and need reassurance please!!!

    This morning I mindlessly peed on stick again, I had one left, saw it when I went to the loo and just thought I'd get rid of it. Well, the pregnancy line was not as strong as the one 5 weeks ago and now I can't get it out of my head! I know by logic the tests do not measure amount of hcg and that it fluctuates throughout the day. There is no reason why this pregnancy shouldn't be fine still, I'm 9 weeks and scan is on 13/3. I refuse to google things... Just need a couple of calming words! It's so nice to have a UK thread here to turn to x
  • It's still a positive, your hormone levels change throughout pregnancy a positive is still a positive no matter how faint. Try not to worry and just be happy there are no more tests to worry you xxx
  • Thank you! xx
  • I almost took another test and stopped myself for that reason. Ur levels do change but the line was still there! Still if u need reassurance just call ur midwife for a quick chat, she'll reassure you. It will all be fine x
  • Thanks you! I might give her a call if I can't put my mind to rest xx
  • Hi all! I'm also a FTM from the UK. I was feeling exactly the same when i first found out i was pregnant especially because i had 2 early mc last year, every little cramp had me worried, i even started bleeding at 8wks but early scan showed all was well. I'm now 11+2 and have our next scan in just over a week and feeling a little more positive.
    As for the repeat pregnancy test being lighter i have read about someting called the hook affect which is where the pregnancy hormone reaches such a high level which overpowers the test causing the test to be lighter.
    Just try and enjoy your pregnancys, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 month.
  • Got my 12 week scan in 2 hours!!! Wish me luck am soooooo nervous
  • Good luck!!!
  • Good luck! You will be fine! Drink up so that pic is lovely and clear for your first peep! X
  • Had my scan but I'm not 12 weeks am 10w6d!! But saw little twiglet and was moving away!! Sooooo excited to see heartbeat and twiglet wriggling around xx
  • Congrats!! Amazing :)
  • Need to go back in 2 weeks for the combined scan. And thought we could tell people today! Grrrr frustrated but happy xx
  • Congratulations! It's amazing isn't it! Glad everything is going well for you! :D x
  • Need to go back in 2 weeks for the combined scan. And thought we could tell people today! Grrrr frustrated but happy xx

    So I'm trying to get my head around this before my scan: do they just do the nuchal translucency measure at the dating scan and then you have to do the combined blood test another day? Or is it a separate scan and blood test altogether? I'm confused... Like you @Littletwigletbaby were hoping we could tell people straight away after the scan, because my mum is coming over to stay with us for a week just days after. But it sounds like it takes a while for the screening results to come back? x
  • I just had the 1 scan then they took my blood for the downs screening, they said we would receive results within 2 weeks but if there were any major problems we would receive a phone call. Not sure if that helps? X
  • Thanks! Yes I hope it will be like this. I have a bit of a hospital-phobia, so trying to minimise my visits! x
  • Yeah understandable :) not long now and you can tell people your good news! We told everyone straight after the scan, we were ready to burst! X
  • JosefinK said:

    Need to go back in 2 weeks for the combined scan. And thought we could tell people today! Grrrr frustrated but happy xx

    So I'm trying to get my head around this before my scan: do they just do the nuchal translucency measure at the dating scan and then you have to do the combined blood test another day? Or is it a separate scan and blood test altogether? I'm confused... Like you @Littletwigletbaby were hoping we could tell people straight away after the scan, because my mum is coming over to stay with us for a week just days after. But it sounds like it takes a while for the screening results to come back? x
    Because I wasn't 12 weeks I'm 10w6d they couldn't do the combined test so I just had the scan to date the baby. I need to go back to have blood taken and another scan to measure the neck as couldn't do it as I was early! We are telling family though as we know all looks good so far! Just frustrating that have to wait another 2 weeks to tell anyone else! They said it takes 10 days for the results and they will call you in 3 days if you are really high risk.
    Hope this helps! Xx
  • Had my 12 week scan, completely different experience to my 8 week private scan in and out within 5 minutes, had to ask what my due date was!! Baby was healthy first thing baby did was burp and wriggle away from the Sonographer! Amazing seeing baby move shame it was over in a flash. Baby looks a lot like it's Dad!
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