Hello, this isn't an am I going to have twins post. But I just wanted to see if someone else half this happen to them.
A little back story. I had a miscarriage in dec, got pregnant in jan. Betas a good 12 dpo 231, 14 dpo 523, 20dpo 5,900, 22dpo 8,942.
Today I had an ultrasound 6 weeks 1 day, that showed one healthy heart beat (thank god!) but I saw something and asked the tech, she said it could could be a pocket of fluid or something.. I was so excited about the heart beat when I saw the doctor I completely didn't ask about the "pocket of fluid".
So just wondering if anyone has had a "pocket of fluid" and if it went away or if they ended up with two babies. Thanks!
Re: Pocket of fluid? Maybe a second baby?