Baby Names

Middle Name Help

We want to use Graham as the first name for our second son but having a hard time with middle names. DH wants to honor his grandfather he was close to, and I'm fine with it, but his mother is very much against it (it was her father DH wants to honor). DH isn't doing so well with the rejection so I'm trying to come up with alternatives that are also family names. Graham Elbert (after aforementioned grandfather) Graham Donald Graham Matthew Thoughts?


TTC #1 since 3/2011
DX: anovulatory and severe MFI
DH is a testicular cancer survivor
IVF#1 w/ICSI lupron, gonal f, ovidrel
ER 6/15/12 6R 6M 6F! ET 6/20/12
Beta #1: 154 Beta #2: 509 Beta #3: 7326
Baby Boy born 3/1/2013
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

TTC#2: 6/2014 all testing came back normal

IVF#2 (#1 for LO#2) 9/2014 - 17R 10M 10F 4 blasts frozen on day 6.

FET #1 10/15/14 - Beta #1: 216  Beta #2: 823

Baby Boy born 7/10/2015

Re: Middle Name Help

  • I like Graham Matthew
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • I like Graham Matthew the best but Graham Elbert is fine if that is what your husband wants and you don't mind it. Who cares what your mother in law thinks.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since September 2012
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  • They all sound fine.. I would choose who you want to honor and stick with it.
  • Graham Matthew

    I'd go with who you want to honor
  • I like them all. Here are a few suggestions..

    Graham Wesley
    Graham Joseph
    Graham Simon
    Graham Benjamin
    Graham Joseph
    Graham Henry
    Graham Isaac
  • I like Graham Matthew, Graham Elbert is fine to me as well, especially if you guys really do want to honour your husbands grandfather.

    Some other suggestions

    Graham Colin
    Graham Phillip
    Graham Spencer
    Graham Emerson
    Graham Jonathan
    Graham Evan
    Graham Lucas
    Graham Thomas
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