December 2011 Moms

well hello there

Had to get on the Bump for a breastfeeding question...had a baby girl about 2.5 weeks ago. Was wondering if anyone was still here....Ya'll probably don't remember's been a LOOOONG time since I've been on here. How is everyone? What's new?

::waves hello::

Re: well hello there

  • :-h

    Congrats on the new little one! It's pretty dead here....and across most of the bump community now. Sad to see how it's fallen apart.
    Married DH 08.28.10
    Pregnancy #1: BFP 04.10.11 EDD 12.23.11 DD1 Born 12.4.11
     Pregnancy #2: BFP 5.12.14 MC 5.20.14 @ 5wk4d
    Pregnancy #3: BFP 11.1.14 EDD 7.5.15 MC 11.13.14 @ 6wk4d
    Pregnancy #4: BFP 1.31.15 EDD 10.5.15 DD2 Born 9.23.15
  • Loading the player...
  • Why is it so dead? What happened to the Bump??
  • I can't find a link to a good overview but essentially the bump gods changed TOU and started mass banning regular posters. They also essentially fired mods and moved to paid, and from what I can tell anonymous, mods site wide. Most regular posters have left and created a new forum.
    Married DH 08.28.10
    Pregnancy #1: BFP 04.10.11 EDD 12.23.11 DD1 Born 12.4.11
     Pregnancy #2: BFP 5.12.14 MC 5.20.14 @ 5wk4d
    Pregnancy #3: BFP 11.1.14 EDD 7.5.15 MC 11.13.14 @ 6wk4d
    Pregnancy #4: BFP 1.31.15 EDD 10.5.15 DD2 Born 9.23.15
  • Well that's disappointing...
  • Hello again, and congratulations on your baby girl! A lot of the regulars on the bump have migrated to facebook or proboards these days, but I still check in here once in a while.
    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hi and congrats!! 

    Yes, due to some drama just about everyone is gone from all the boards... some still lurk but most old posters are gone. 

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  • Congrats!!!!!

    Essentially what everyone else has said - There was a MASS banning that happened.  And while granted, a few needed to go because it was going beyond snarky into downright personal attack upon personal attacks (I tried to stay away from the MUD subjects), it seemed like they just did blanket banning that just brought the boards right down to nothing.  It is what it is though...  Years ago it happened on our local board and it hasn't been the same since. 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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