
who has a kid in a charter school?

why did you choose it?
dd is zoned for a good public school but the charter school is also good. i dont know how to decide. she starts kindergarten in the fall.

Re: who has a kid in a charter school?

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    We send our kids to a charter school.  It's the top performing school in the district.  Our neighborhood school was high performing as well.  I was just impressed with the charter's curriculum, Saxon Math and Spaulding Language Arts and wanted to avoid common core.  It also had a smaller class size and teacher assistants for every grade level.  I would encourage you to tour both schools as well while they are in-session.  Be sure to look at examples of their work, writing and spelling, etc. I would recommend reading the school's charter to see if it's philosophy fits your child's learning needs.  Good luck on your decision.   
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