Baby Names

Anastasia Dilemma

I love the name Anastasia. It was my great aunts name and my middle name is Ann after her. I've always wanted to use the name if I had a girl. Plus I think it's unique enough that she won't be in a class with 15 Anastasias. Well, I'm beginning to question the name... Because of the movie/porn that is going to be released on Valentine's Day. I'm afraid the popularity will increase due to the movie and my Anastasia is going to be growing up with a ton of Anastasias. I'm not picking this name because of the book/movie and I really don't want people to assume that's why it was picked. No hate towards the books or movie. I read the books and loved them. I just don't want people to think our daughter was conceived during a spanking session.

Am I overthinking this?

Re: Anastasia Dilemma

  • You might be overthinking it some. I named my DD Savannah after the movie Savannah Smiles. We live in NC and everyone thinks she was named for the city in GA. People can think what they want, in the end you will know the true reason. Would hate for you to change it and regret it later. Good luck!
  • ammc07ammc07 member
    edited February 2015
    If we have a boy his name will be Jacob and I've had people ask 'like from twilight?' Nope, actually my 4 year old picked it and we both happened to like it. Plus I haven't seen anyone of the Twilight movies.

    I wouldn't let that effect your decision. I think its a beautiful name and in 5-10 years the whole Shades of Grey thing will be old news.
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  • i think anastasia is a great name, however i dont think it will ever get to the level of popularity you are talking about.

    any name you choose has that same possibility!
  • Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your opinions. I'm overthinking lots of things nowadays.
  • I've actually been thinking about this too.  I have loved the name Anastasia for years and we're hoping that we'll get pregnant soon now that I'm on fertility meds.  I haven't read the book nor will I see the movie but I do worry about the association.  I don't really have an answer but if we get pregnant with a girl soon we'll still use the name.  
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • I would definitely still use it.
  • I worried about the same thing with the name I have picked out for a boy: Edward. Some people might immediately think Twilight, but the name Edward, like Anastasia, has been around so much longer than some trendy book, and like you, it is a family name that I would like to pass down. I wouldn't worry about it!
  • My cousin had a similar situation, they named their boy Cullen and this was also right after all the Twilight hoopla, but Cullen is actually a family name....but they actually rarely got asked if it was because of Twilight, so I think you should be fine. It's a beautiful name and I agree with pp that I don't think it will reach an insane popularity anyway.
  • I love the name Anastasia. It would've been on my list for baby #1, if I didn't have a ridiculously long last name. Screw what people think. DH's cousin gave his new baby the MN Gray, no one (other than me, but I'm a bad person) associated it with the books
  • I worried about this when I was pregnant with my dd and gave her the middle name Anastasia. I never read those terrible books not will I watch the terrible movie so I don't let it bother me.
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