So I was the smug potty trainer of a girl with the eldest... She was easy-peasy by 28 months she was done day and night.. The only reason we took the side off her crib was so she could go to the potty by herself in the middle of the night. She was super easy at that age, and DH was on board, it was a pain as the whole potty training process is, but she eventually trained.
DS has been a royal PITA for all things Potty Training. ZERO anything for interest or doing anything while sitting there. DH is also being as far removed as possible from all things training. It's been a struggle to say the least. (and yes, I'd like to metaphorically kick in a sensitive region the Gastro who said the kids with chronic soupy poop are easier/quicker to train than the average kids).. Keep in mind, our DCP has been on us about this and actually suggested "cold turkey" training him once he hit the 36mo mark given we've had no success thus far. So, this has been a while in coming mainly because I discovered several half-boxes of diapers, but finally, we got to the end of our last pack and we've been doing the cold-turkey thing 100% unsuccessfully for the past 48 hours. I message DCP as they wanted to be kept in the loop and told so that they could also be ready for this. I told them last week within the next couple days it'd be time. They were completely on board. I emailed today to say "this is it, planning to bring the rubber pants tomorrow and stack of clothes for changing if necessary so (teacher) can be made aware"... I get a note back that they wanted to make sure I had diapers there as they weren't sure they could handle the "cold turkey" training with him. I said "There are some there - let me know because if you're not on board I can pick some up for here too!". Gosh dang - if they're going to be on board, be on freaking board, don't string me along for a kid who has no desire to do anything other than <verbiage> his pants! Gosh dang I hate lip service "do as I say not as I do" type stuff.
Here I now sit tempted to "swing by Wal-mart as it's on the way to the gas station and pick up a new pack of diapers as they're FAR cheaper than pull-ups, and so much less mess than the rubber pants, he'll get it at his own pace"... and "stick it out, he'll figure it out in the next couple days and you can "pawn" him off on Grandma and take a Spring Break trip with DD if he's trained!" (My Ma won't watch him for an overnight if he's not trained for some reason and MIL won't watch him at all until he's 100% trained and able to go on his own and entertain himself while there.. DD is in the final "magic" years for really being able to take her to places like Disney and enjoy ourselves, DS is too young for a trip like that yet, and I haven't had a recharging trip in four years making the thought of going somewhere with one kid for a "Mommy-Daughter Trip" seem like a dream, and everyone around me IRL knows I desperately need to get away for a break for my own health)... In other words - I'm just fried and facing the reality that I'm the only one on-board with DS being done with diapers at this point...
Re: AW Potty Training Vent...
Sending good potty vibes your way!