Working Moms

Meal Plan Monday

This topic didn't get a lot of action last week. I think most ladies left the bump. Hoping more people participate this week. 

Sunday: Salmon, rice and tomato salad
Monday: Broccoli mac and cheese casserole
Tuesday: Taco Tuesday with fresh guac.
Wednesday: Chicken nuggets, fries and corn
Thursday: Pulled pork, potato salad and coleslaw
Friday: Pizza
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Re: Meal Plan Monday

  • Saturday- fennel, blood orange, goat cheese salad with chicken
    Sunday- baked salmon, roasted sweet potatoes and green beans
    Monday- tomato soup and mozzarella sticks
    Tuesday- leftovers
    Wednesday- vegi tacos
    Thursday- spaghetti w red sauce and turkey sausage and a salad
    Friday- take out sushi
    IVF, acupuncture, meditation and a miracle. 


     Our sweet Valentine's Day FET.


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