Baby Names

Name dilemma

So we've came up with the name Dylan after what seemed like forever to agree on name. Husband actually liked Andrew and I like Dylan, so we decided Dylan Andrew. No I don't even know if I like the name, I think bc when I told my parents they didn't seem to happy about the name and a couple of other people didn't either. I'm a real undecisive person and I don't know why I'm having this problem. I like the name, but I'm having

Any advice or thoughts

Re: Name dilemma

  • It's a fine name
  • I think it's fine
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  • I like dylan because i think of bob dylan!
  • I know lots of Dylans and every single time I think of 90210
  • I think you'll always have doubts about your choice, especially if you're an indecisive person. I'm the exact same way.
  • Dillion Andrew is fine.
  • What about Drew? It seems to be a happy medium for both names. I personally think Dylan Andrew sounds fine. No matter what name you pick people will always have an opinion. Don't let that sway your vote.
  • I like Dylan Andrew!
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  • I keep second guessing our name choice too.  I think it's pertty normal.

    Dylan Andrew is a fine name.  I prefer Andrew Dylan.  Remember, he's your child, you can name if what you like.

  • I think that second guessing is normal. I know so many people that second guessed towards the end (even people that had a name picked out way before they got pregnant). I second guessed hardcore. She still ended up with the name, and I am so glad that I went with it. 

    Naming someone is hard. And it makes it extremely difficult once you add in the opinions of other people. Do yourself a favor, if they ask again, say you guys are still working on a name and leave it at that. Don't include anyone else in the decision making. 

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  • What is most important is finding consensus with your spouse, not with each of your families or any of your friends. You don't need to please them. If you do feel indecisive, it might be best to not discuss name possibilities with your families until after the baby is born.

    Dylan Andrew is perfectly nice and respectable. Andrew is one of my favorites. 
    Married 9-4-04

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  • What about Andrew Dylan? I think that sounds a little better, but that's just my opinion. :)
  • It's a fine name but if you are having doubts, you should keep looking!


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