July 2014 Moms

Uh oh... Pregnant?!

lwilliams12lwilliams12 member
edited February 2015 in July 2014 Moms
well, I think it might have happened an unplanned non purposeful pregnancy... Any mommas out there experienced this while breast feeding?! What were your symptoms?! FOr example did your nipples hurt outrageously? Or did you start loosing your supply?! I know that my symptoms are similar I am just too early to be able to confirm!

Re: Uh oh... Pregnant?!

  • Pretending this is in English....

    Same as the first??

    Mom to one beautiful July '14 little girl

  • lwilliams12lwilliams12 member
    edited February 2015
    Well no need to be rude... I have specific questions. Please see above.
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  • I got pregnant while breastfeeding (dd was 3mths) and I didn't know until I went for a scheduled OB appt. nipples were fine and my supply just started to drop and I'm 13 weeks along.

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  • What is up with all of you rude people. I took a test. Like the post states i'm too early. I'm asking if you BREAST FEED if you experienced a shortage in your supply if you have gotten pregnant during that time. Did you find that your nipples hurt. If you don't like what you see move on. No need to be rude and comment.
  • Well, I've been having my period for the last 4 months (lucky me) even though I exclusively breast feed. So o wasn't quite concerned until my breast feeding issues became a MAJOR issue :(
  • If you're pregnant enough for symptoms, you're pregnant enough to turn a test. Since you didn't, I'm going with not pregnant. Plenty of things can cause a dip in your supply. Dehydration. A cold. Your period.
  • Yes. I got pregnant whole bfing, and then my supply went bye bye.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


  • I would say that you are getting your period. Those are the symptoms I get a few days before my period. If you were pregnant enough to get the symptoms, you would be getting a positive test.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • What is up with all of you rude people. I took a test. Like the post states i'm too early. I'm asking if you BREAST FEED if you experienced a shortage in your supply if you have gotten pregnant during that time. Did you find that your nipples hurt. If you don't like what you see move on. No need to be rude and comment.
    Did I miss something?  


    5 years TTC, no luck with IUI's, failed IVF June 2013, 
    FET Oct 2013 with delayed transfer, intralipids, lovenox & prednisone= first BFP of my life!
    ***Beautiful baby boy born June 13th!*** 
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  • I'm confused too. The only "rude" thing I read was from the person who started the post in subsequent responses...
  • Wow. I come back to lurk on TB for the first time since moving to the new place, and not only is it tumbleweeds, the mods are censoring the threads. Epic fail, TB. Epic fail.
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