Single Parents

Newly single mom of 3

My husband and I split and he moved out over the weekend. Things are not civil with us at the moment and I am getting no help from him. I have 2 year old and 5 year old boys and just have birth to a daughter 10 days ago. Needless to say I am feeling completely overwhelmed and lonely at the moment. I'm keeping my kids during the day while I am on maternity leave for the next 8 weeks and I can't seem to keep them entertained during the day, especially due to breastfeeding and caring for my newborn. My two year old trashes the house and has been acting out over the new baby. Any moms with advice of how to keep children occupied while at home?


Re: Newly single mom of 3

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    I am so sorry to hear this, I can only imagine how difficult it is for you. Can you find something for the little older boys to help with in some way? Like going and getting sisters blanket or holding the bottle if you are using  bottles? Can you have a special toy or activity for each one of them that they can only play with only when you are taking care of the baby and then when she is sleeping they get a little "mommy time"  all to themselves?


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