Baby Names

Our 2 boy names thanks to your suggestions!

MrsC0409MrsC0409 member
edited February 2015 in Baby Names
Hi everyone. We finally came up with two boy names that we're stuck between, thanks to all of your suggestions and input. Which of the two do you prefer?

Our 2 boy names thanks to your suggestions! 109 votes

Rhys Joseph
52% 57 votes
Pierce Joseph
47% 52 votes

Re: Our 2 boy names thanks to your suggestions!

  • I like both!

    Rhys is a little more popular, Pierce more uncommon. I'll give the edge to Rhys
  • I have a Pierce so I am partial.  I also love Rhys, but I do think you will run into pronunciation issues so that is something to consider (says mom of an Isla).  

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  • I want to love Pierce, but the name means to poke or stab something.  I teach middle school and high school.  I can only imagine the locker room banter about "piercing" that would go on.  "Oh, Pierce -- heard you hooked up with Susie last weekend?  Did you 'Pierce' her?"  That kind of stuff.  
    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • I really like the sound of Rhys, but it looks incomplete to me for some reason.
    So for that reason I chose Pierce
  • I think Joseph Pierce flows much better, and would get my vote if you're open to Joseph as a fn.
  • So far the input we've gotten from a very small group of people is that Pierce sounds too snobby, but I feel like I gravitate toward waspy names. I think it sounds strong and successful. Thoughts?
  • @BethPSU seeing your kids makes me like Pierce even more. I don't know which one is Pierce, but they're all beautiful kids! It's nice to see a Pierce in the flesh!
  • Not open to Joseph as a first name... it's my father's name and I want to use it as a mn, but I literally don't know one Joseph that wasn't a
    misbehaving, rebellious kid who is always in trouble. Then they came out with that "naughty children" list and guess what was #1?!
  • @mrsc0409 Pierce is my little guy in the middle.  Sometimes we say his name is more refined than he is:)  He is definitely all boy!  I gravitate towards Wasy names too.  

  • I have a Pierce and love the name! I have no problems with names that sound classy and educated ! 
    DS1 : 10/2012
    Due with B/G Twins July 2015
  • I dont know if it's because I've seen two very cute Pierces on this board, but all of the sudden I'm really favoring Pierce! They are adorable!
  • Both are great choices so you can't go wrong. I voted for Pierce simply because every Reese I know is a girl. I doubt you will run into any little girls named Pierce.
  • True... Reese is also one of our girl name choices. I wonder how he'll feel knowing he was going to be named the same thing if he was a girl!
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