Sorry in advance if I break any rules here-- the READ BEFORE YOU POST post for newbies gave me an error message.
I have a 26 day cycle. Like clockwork. On my 18th day, I started bleeding. Was so happy at first bc I thought it was implantation. After doing more research, it sounded too early for implantation. (Although I do not know when I ovulated. I just have sex every 2-3 says to cover all bases). So I thought it was a chemical pregnancy, but it definitely seems way too early for that too. I have now been bleeding for 4 days. Heavier than my usual AF, much more clotting than my usual AF, and worse cramping too. Plus, 8 days early when my cycle is always 26 days? I'm so confused. It doesn't sound like it could be AF, chem pg OR implantation! Any thoughts? Anybody else have bleeding around this time? My doctors office told me to take a pregnancy test but isn't it too early (I am now 7 days before my expected period) or does implantation bleeding mean your hormones are higher and I should get a positive earlier than I normally would? Can't stand not knowing what is going on in my body! Help!
Re: Implantation/miscarriage/period?
Sounds like AF to me. Take a test if you think you're pregnant.
the darkside is better
You're welcome.
These ladies have answered your questions, you are on your period. Periods can change due to a lot of different reasons, start temping and tracking like they suggested.
Good luck in TTC.
Kiddo #1 = 10 cycles of trying, 1 CP and is now a toddler