So I am 23 weeks and 3 days along now. And I've noticed that sometimes my son is active and some days he isn't as active. Is this normal in this stage?
I am 25 weeks and he is moving very little during the day ( for now ) I suppose he will get more active . Also there is certain positions that uncofartable ( like lying in your back ) so he moves much more
I'm right there with you. I feel him when I lay on my back for a while. During the day it's random thumbs to the pelvis. I don't know if anyone else's does this but lying on your back you can see your belly like vibrate from the baby. To me that's reassuring.
I asked the same question, I'm nearly 27w and got concerned because mine tends to have a couple of very active days followed by a couple of very sleepy ones.
From what I heard the baby movements are not very consistent right now. I am also 23 weeks almost 24 weeks. My baby can be very active during the day sometimes, and then the following day is super active at night. My doctor told me as long as you feel some movement during the day it is fine. If you have not felt your baby take a break during the day, and have mommy and baby time and just pay attention, maybe drink some orange juice to encourage your baby to move.
I'm 27 weeks and nearly lost my ever loving mind yesterday when she didn't move all night. It was awful and I almost called the doctor on call. So apparently getting farther along doesn't necessarily mean that it's consistent. Thankfully she's been every hour almost today.
I wouldn't worried I am 24 w tomorrow and she has her days where she seems to sleep allll day then she has her days like today where she is a regular jumping bean... Also my friend is 22 w and she hasn't felt her baby moving at all, but her ultrasounds always show the baby is doing great!
I'm almost 25 weeks and lately the baby has been bouncing all over the place. But yesterday and today she's been very low key, I felt a few nudges last night and a few today, kind of lower than usual. It seems like they just have active days and chill days.
Re: 23 almost 24 weeks pregnant
They aren't going to move 24/7. They sleep a lot right now too...
I dont feel A every single day, but I also have an anterior placenta, so that's common as well.
If your ever concerned drink a lg glass of ice water and lay on your left side, and that usually gets a few kicks goin
I find some orange juice wakes baby right up