Trying to Get Pregnant

Please help- missed period/long cycle def BFN when to go to doctor??

Thank you in advance if you can help me.

I know I can't be pregnant so that's not an issue here. I'm on CD35 and no sign of AF (usually I feel it days in advance). This is extremely unusual but it did happen to me about 3 years ago when I naturally didn't get AF until about CD40ish.

Anyway, I started taking thyroid medication about a month ago. Not very much- although I'm sure it's what has messed with my cycle. In fact, I sincerely doubt I ovulated at all this cycle (OPKs were all kinds of messed up this cycle catching several LH surges- as an aside, I can't temp because it really makes me crazy- I used to but gave it up to stay sane and it's worked....until now)

Anyway, any advice here on 1) when to go to the doctor 2) what the doctor can do to get my stupid period to come. I can't really talk to my endo about this yet because I recently upped my medication and it hasn't been long enough to test my thyroid to see where I am at.

THANK YOU so much if you can help. It would be great to know what I could expect. I remember seeing 60 days around here as a baseline of when to go to the doc if no AF. But what do they do to you if you reach that point? Is it a pill? What does it do? This is freaky.

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