January 2015 Moms

Diaper rash from mom's diet

My newborn is a little over a week old and we've been very careful about diapering him, yet he started developing a rash last night. :( My mom said sometimes what moms eat can irritate baby through the breast milk and that I should try and figure out what he's sensitive to. My question is, how do I narrow it down!? I'm not eating tons and tons of foods, but what we do eat has multiple ingredients, not all of them known since we have lots of friends delivering meals to us daily. So has anyone else dealt with this? Baby also poops A Lot (I know babies poop a lot) but we're changing his diapers every hour. Seems like a lot to me, but I hate to let him sit in it, even if it's a tiny bit of poop. Thanks!

Re: Diaper rash from mom's diet

  • The most likely culprits are dairy, soy, and peanuts/nuts. I am avoiding all of these. I think corn and other allergens in the top 10 would be the next things to try, but I would start with dairy for sure. Be aware that you should see some improvement in a day or two, but it can take 1-2 weeks to get any food problems fully out of their system, so don't get discouraged.

    Your baby can also be sensitive to the diapers and wipes if the food avoidance doesn't help. We had to switch to cloth diapers and cloth wipes with water for my first DD.
    DD#1 (6), DD#2 (4), DD#3 (0)
  • I had the same issue and the pediatrician said to cut out acidic foods, in particular tomatoes. I did and it helped very quickly.

    Hope you find a quick and easy fix!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • Also try rinsing his bum under water rather than wiping after each dirty diaper. That's what was reccomended to me by a lac. consultant when my little guy had diaper rash. They love it!
  • I think citrus can be bad as well.
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