LGBT Parenting

Feel Good Friday!

What do you feel good about today?

Instead of a QOTW, tell us any one thing about you that you feel like sharing today :)

Me - 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012

5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March - July 2013) = BFN

Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013 resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2 Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer!      *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt = 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581   *********William George born June 4, 2014*********

Re: Feel Good Friday!

  • We've had a lovely week.  I took Ash to the doctor at 2:45 on Wednesday and went home afterwards.  I set up the laptop at the kitchen table so that I could log onto my work computer and let Ash play outside in our little yard (the kitchen table is right by the door and I left the door open so that I could see him).  Ash walked around with a stick in one hand and used his other hand to fill a bucket with rocks.  Every once in a while he would drag the bucket of rocks around.  I just had this overwhelming sense of joy watching my little boy playing with rocks and sticks.  This morning - after Ash slept straight through from 7:30-5:45(!!!!!), Z, Ash, and I had an impromptu pancake and dance party in bed.  That's what this is all about.  We were having a tough time a couple weeks ago when his molars were coming through and I kept reminding myself and Z that it would pass - and it did.  Those rough patches are relatively short in the big scheme of things.  This week has been nothing but goodness.  I couldn't be more in love with my wife and son.

    One things I feel like sharing…. I have a dream of winning the lottery and opening a fine-dining vegan restaurant in Austin.  We have tons of vegan eats in Austin, but they are mostly casual.  And, we have lots of fine-dining in Austin that offer a vegan dish or two, but no full scale fine-dining vegan options.  I think it would do very well in Austin.  Of course, I know zero about the restaurant industry other than how tough it is to succeed, but it's a little fantasy of mine.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • We are back in Saskatoon to start the process over.
    SHG in less than an hour and I'm freaking out. Not only to start over, but because the SHG was super uncomfortable/painful last time.

    Something about me? Ummm... I'm a stress case? Hahaha, I can't think of anything right now cause I'm too nervous!
    I'm 35, DW is 33
    Together since Dec 2007
    Married since 18 June 2011

    TTC #1
    1st IUI - trigger, 9 July 14 at midnight, IUI - 11 July 14 at noon - BFP!!
    10 Dec 14 - Lost our Baby Girl to Hydrops & Cycstic Hygroma due to Turner Syndrome
    TTC #2
    2nd IUI - hoping to try for our Rainbow in the Spring
  • Hah, here is a random thing about me...
    For our wedding, 'I kissed a girl' by Katy Perry was the only song on the 'do not play' list for our DJ. lol
    I'm 35, DW is 33
    Together since Dec 2007
    Married since 18 June 2011

    TTC #1
    1st IUI - trigger, 9 July 14 at midnight, IUI - 11 July 14 at noon - BFP!!
    10 Dec 14 - Lost our Baby Girl to Hydrops & Cycstic Hygroma due to Turner Syndrome
    TTC #2
    2nd IUI - hoping to try for our Rainbow in the Spring
  • I feel good because I squeezed in a shower during naptime. Kaden's nap is down to mere minutes - oh well. 

    My wife has her end of the year reports in. She's been working 7 days a week until 1 or 2am.  I am so glad that it's mostly done for now. She's even putting work aside for 1/2 day family fun activities this weekend. Discovery museum here we come!!

    I had fallen behind on housework between the kiddos, puppy and business. Today I cleaned bathrooms, washed windows and mirrors, vacuumed, started the daily laundry. The house smells a little like windex and its wonderful!! ;-)

    I'm drinking a coffee drink. Yummm and getting ready to revise a quote for a potential client.  

    QOTD:  Speaking of weddings.  We had a friend DJ for us. He had a very eclectic taste in music.  Needless to say EV wasn't that thrilled with how everything turned out.  The song he played when we were introduced was the "muppet theme song".  Yup - that happened. LOL

    QOTD #2: I love breastfeeding but I can't wait until May so I can wean Owen.  I feel terrible but I was secretly wondering how soon is too soon to introduce other milks?  We have a Pedi appointment for Kaden's shots on Tuesday - maybe the doctor will give me some insight.... 

  • @Jazibel‌ that is funny and unfortunate all at the same time. I hope EV can laugh at it all now...

    I know we had some hiccups with our wedding.. My parents song was played as a spot dance for them and my dad wasn't even in the hall, so my mom and I danced to their song. lol
    There were a few other things too, but oh well, we had a great night and everyone enjoyed themselves, so that's all that mattered.
    I'm 35, DW is 33
    Together since Dec 2007
    Married since 18 June 2011

    TTC #1
    1st IUI - trigger, 9 July 14 at midnight, IUI - 11 July 14 at noon - BFP!!
    10 Dec 14 - Lost our Baby Girl to Hydrops & Cycstic Hygroma due to Turner Syndrome
    TTC #2
    2nd IUI - hoping to try for our Rainbow in the Spring
  • Wow... I have never done a "feel good Friday" before, but I do need to say something today, so that I FEEL GOOD!  
    I'm thrilled to find out that my son's school district is the school district I wanted him to go.  It may not have the best numbers (it ranks poorly compare to the other district). However, I am familiar with the teachers and staff at that school district.  We live right on the "cusp" of the two school district, so it was weird to find out that in spite of our address, we're in a different school district. 

     Huge grin on my face.  

    It will be an even better bonus if my son get's his favorite teacher for Kindergarten. 
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