Colorado Babies

Need help with medical bill, know of any organizations/charities in CO?

Does anyone know of an organization or charity in Colorado or Northern Colorado that can help us...I went to the ER when I was 13 weeks pregnant and we didn't have insurance at the time (we do now, we were waiting to enroll with my husband's job). So as you can imagine we have a huge bill now that we can't pay...the hospital hardly "helped," they just offered monthly payments which are still too high. We were just getting by as it was before the bill... I'm scared we will lose our home especially with our little one on the way. Legitimate suggestions only please...we live in the Greeley area. I've tried getting assistance from the city but everyone just looks at our income and not the bills we have to pay. I have a Give Forward site too that isn't helping yet ( ...I know most people have their own problems these days. Anyway. Any ideas would help, thank you            

Re: Need help with medical bill, know of any organizations/charities in CO?

  • My only suggestion would be to continue to work with the hospital, or try and cut back on your bills. You can ask that they reduce the bill to the medicare/medicaid rate and see if that helps.  It would basically be the amount they would have received had you had medicaid.

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