I'm looking for words of advice getting our 22 month old over this hump.
Here's the story:
Our DS goes to a daycare with about 8-10 kids, 2-3 care providers. I find it exceedingly well run. A couple months ago DS came home having been bitten about 10 times over 3 weeks. It didn't stress me out, never broke the skin, and I think that is what toddlers do.
Turns out the whole little lot of the kids were having a grabby problem. One would walk up, try to take a toy from another, the one with the toy would get frustrated and bite. Sooo . . . my little boy is a major transgressor. About 3 weeks ago we noticed that DS was saying "No!" and "Mine!" a lot. I mentioned it and it turns out that the center decided to teach them all these words to help with the physical drama. Which is good, except . . . now DS just says it all the time. Constantly. I think he has it said to him all day long by about 10 little people.
What should we do? Do we wait for this, too, to pass?
37, married to my favorite person in the world, DW! One darling surfer-girl (12) and one darling, sweet boy born 3/16/13.
5/2013 Started TTC #3, DW's turn: 5/2013: Diagnostics (shg) and surgery (polyp rem.) for best chances. July-Oct: IUI # 1-4, medicated, monitored, triggered. All BFN. IVF in Jan May. Sheesh. Whoop! IVF#1 cycle started 4/2/14. 5/1: 19 eggs retrieved, 8 matured, ICSI'd. 4 fertilized. Only 2 to transfer/freeze stage. 5/6: Two embryos transferred. 5/15: Beta #1 9dp5dt is 134! BFP! 5/19: Beta #2 13dp5dt is 672! B'erFP! 5/21: Beta #3 15dp5dt is 1853. Yay!
"Things separate from their stories have no meaning. They are only shapes. Of a certain size and color. A certain weight. When their meaning has become lost to us they no longer have even a name. The story on the other hand can never be lost from its place in the world for it is that place.”
― Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing
Re: Constantly saying, "mine, mine, mine!"