November 2014 Moms

Bottle to breast frustration

Hello! I'm hoping to get some advice or suggestions.

I've recently gone back to work (only 3 days a week, 6 hour shifts), so LO is now receiving 2 bottle feedings in a row (with pumped milk). For the weeks leading up to this he got about 5 bottles a week - never more than one in a day.

I've noticed now that when I get home and BF him he gets all crazy! Latching and relatching every couple seconds, sucking like a mad man and swinging/punching his arms. I believe I understand what is happening- the bottles been easier and he is getting frustrated. We have been using the paced bottle feeding technique (at least I hope my SO is when I'm not here) in hopes to avoid this issue and use MAM bottles with the newborn/slow flow nipples.

Has anyone else experienced this heart breaking problem? Maybe I should switch bottles? Suggestions of which brands have been successful for you? Any other helpful tips? Keeping my BF relationship with him is the most important thing to me!

Re: Bottle to breast frustration

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    I'm attending a breast feeding support group at the hospital where I delivered and there was a lot of talk about bottles and someone recommended Medela Calma (?) no flow nipples. Apparently nothing come out unless the baby really sucks so this makes it the baby work harder and the bottle is no longer so easy compared to mommy. I never tried these but that was the consensus at group (just so we're clear bf support group is a horrible name. Makes it sound like a 12 step program but it's just an opportunity to get your baby weighed before a feeding and again after the feeding to compare and to ask the lactation consultant questions and to meet and hear from other moms) good luck!
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    Paced bottle feeding is good. Also try putting baby on an incline, so the bottle is almost at a 45 degree angle.
    I had a hard time when I went back to work with DS. We would go through a rough patch every few weeks, it seemed. And the first feeding after work was always the hardest. Just try to stick with breastfeeding him as much as possible when home. Be patient and work with him on his latch when he's frustrated. It will get better!
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    This has happened to me, too. My baby appears to have no idea what to do with the breast now. I may have had my last moments nursing my baby. :-(
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    @kikimeemee‌ don't give up! My DS went on many "boobie strikes." Just keep trying, but not to the point where either of you are super frustrated. You don't want to end up with a negative association. Hopefully your LO will come back around to nursing.
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    Thanks for the replies!

    It seems to get better through the next 2-3 feedings. I was just hoping to avoid it altogether. Even though it's a rough problem to have, it feels better knowing others have gotten through this patch as well.
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    I thought I was the only one! Same
    Boat here...'I work 12 hours a week, and it ends up being 2 bottles in a row. So diaheartening when I get home and try to feed and he is flustered! Definetely not giving up, but it makes me really cut down on using bottles any other time (like date night). I'm going to have to check out the slow nipples mentioned above!
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