January 2015 Moms

Foley bulb experiences?

I'm being induced Friday.  Going in Thursday night to have the foley inserted overnight.  The docs have told me this will be painless, but in reading some people's birth stories on here, it sounds like it is sometimes quite painful.  I googled a bit and came across some horror stories of foleys that ended up causing tears and hurting like hell.  Hoping that is the (rare) exception.  Anyone out there who had a foley balloon put in to get things going.... how was your experience?  Should I be afraid??

Re: Foley bulb experiences?

  • I had a foley bulb and did not find it painful. My water broke while it was in but it did what it was supposed to and I ended up at a four when it came out.
  • I had the Foley inserted when I was 3 cm dilated. I did not find it painful at all. The speculum was the most uncomfortable part, and it did take a little bit too get used to the bulb in place. Also, my water did not break in its own.

    Pregnancy Ticker

    January '15 January Siggy Challenge: Newborn/Baby Fails

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  • The initial insertion was painful and it was really uncomfortable for a while but eventually i got used to it and it didnt hurt anymore. Didn't hurt coming out.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had the foley when it was inserted it was not painful, however when I started dialating with it in it was painful because I was having contractions which is to be expected. But it did its job a few hours later it fell out and I had a successful vbac!
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