

i have my ivf consultation tomorrow do any of you have any good questions I should ask? I have all my chromosomes they r just not aligned properly. They will take eggs and see which ones r good and not good. I also see the geneticist tomorrow. Any good advice on questions to ask would be great!

Re: Ivf

  • No good advice really. I have a consult with my IVF doctor tomorrow too and don't really have any good questions either. I know I want to know what he thinks my odds are and what my AMH level means for me. And I have a couple questions about what exactly PGD entails because while I'm not sure we are going that route, he has recommended it for us because my egg quality was so bad for our first IVF a couple years ago. I think if I was in your shoes I would want some answers to those same questions. And since I'm assuming this is your first IVF maybe just ask what to expect in general. My doctor usually leads the conversation pretty well and answers questions I didn't even know I had. Hopefully yours will too. 

    Oh and make sure you write down any questions or concerns you do have because if you're anything like me you'll forget every single question when you actually sit down to chat.

    Good luck!!!
    *****siggy warning****

    IVF in April 2015
    Started TTC #1 in 2009
    BFP #1: m/c at 7w2d in 2010
    BFP #2: m/c at 10w3d in 2010
    BFP #3: ectopic at 5w in 2011, lost one tube and learned the other was in bad shape
    2 failed (and useless) IUIs, moved to IVF 
    BFP #4: Healthy baby girl born 8/2013
  • Good luck tomorrow
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  • I don't remember anything either. I thought about taking a recorder so I can review wat she says since it's always information over load.
  • So you have a balance translocation issue or something similar? Anyhow, I think they will only be able to do PGD if your embryos make it to the blastocyst stage on day 5. I would ask what the plan would be if you have very few embryos growing (where people usually then get a day 3 transfer) or if the embryos haven't grown far enough along by day 5 to be tested. Would they transfer them without being able to test?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I don't know I've never heard it expressed that way and as far as Pgd my guess is that will be brought up at my consultation tomorrow . I will have to ask thank you for your advice :)
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