I feel like I've been getting a lot of pressure to try for a VBAC with my current pregnancy. My c-section was a result of low amniotic fluid and breech presentation. So while it happened 4 weeks early unexpectedly, it was not an emergency surgery. My recovery from my c-section was fine. In pain for about 10 days, but able to walk a mile slowly about 3 weeks postpartum and go to yoga 6 weeks postpartum. My doctor said that I'm a good candidate for a VBAC, but ultimately it's up to me, barring any other complications.
I'd really love to hear about how you would compare the recoveries and anything else you wish you'd known beforehand!
Re: Who had a VBAC? Or has had both a c-section and vaginal birth?
I had a c/s with DD1 because of failure to progress. My water broke on a Thursday evening and they ended up taking her Saturday afternoon, after I passed out from my epidural being too high. My recovery was super easy. I got constipated from the pain killers, so I just took regular Motrin for a few days after coming home.
I VBAC'd with DS, but it almost ended up in a c/s. He was nearly 9 lbs and I'm small, so he got stuck. They vacuumed him out after 3 hrs of pushing. Thank God I had an epidural! I had a second degree tear (apparently, all vacuumed women have tears?), couldn't sit for 6 weeks, and had no control over my bowels for 2 weeks and bladder for months. I should've gone to PT.
This is where my story gets better. When I got pregnant with DD2, I knew I had to do everything in my power to make it a better birthing experience. I hired a doula, which was the best thing ever-well worth the $1200. I also did hypnobabies home study. I think it really helped keep me relaxed during the pregnancy and during labor. My water broke in the evening, had an aggressive exam by my OB the next morning to kickstart contrax, got to the hospital at about 7:30pm in transition, labored in the tub for a while while my OB was trying to manually move my uterus forward, but it was my doula who moved it with different positioning. After 2 pushes on the birthing stool (which I highly recommend!), she was out. My OB wasn't evened gloved and had to dive to catch her. Two hours after her birth, I got up to go to the bathroom and, absentmindedly, grabbed toilet paper to wipe. I had no pain whatsoever. I didn't even feel like I had had a baby. I had no recovery period.
For any future pregnancies, I plan to do hypnobabies, hire my doula (she might know about the pregnancy before I even tell DH!), and skip the epidural again. FWIW, I didn't think I'd be able to go without the epidural, but I surprised myself with my own strength.
My vbac, no episiotomy, went flawlessly. I felt like I could run a 5k the next day. I was alert and with it as my kids met one another and my DH was at my side the whole time. I would definitely recommend trying for one
Thanks for sharing your stories ladies. I have no idea what I should do. I had my first baby nearly 18 years ago (at the young age of 18 myself) vaginally, but it took a while to push, and the doctor used forceps and a vacumn. 2nd baby, 3 years ago, I labored through the 10 cms of dialation, just to have babies heart rate drop when pushing, and we were rushed into Emergent Csection. I have a scheduled csection this go around for 39 weeks, but I am very worried about recovery and wanting to make sure not too much changes for my 3 year old. I have no idea if I am too small to deliver, have a narrow passageway, which makes it difficult? I definitely don't want to labor through everything, just to have a csection again. That sucked.
Ugh, such a tough decision. Doc and I did agree that if I go into natural labor before the scheduled date, that we may try the VBAC route.
Tisha, Mom to DD Taylor 16 years old, DS Trevor 18 months old, and one on the way