I want to get DD a tricycle but feel like they all may be too big for her feet to reach. Anyone recommend one that fits well? I think she's 33 inches, but short-ish legs.
@ohiodoxiemam08 - Happy Birthday, Clara! They both have mini doxies, too...AND Clara was our #2 name pick but we decided it was too close to her only female cousin's name, Cora. Are you doing a party for Clara? I sent her in to daycare with mini cupcakes today and I think I'm actually going to do a Valentine's tea party for her in a few weeks.
@ReeceFamily I think I remember you saying that you considered Clara. And yay for being mini doxie mamas! Clara loves our dog so much.
Clara's party was yesterday. It was mainly for kids her age at toddler "gym". They did all the set up and clean up which was nice. We took her to the aquarium today as just a family celebration. Hope Lily had a great day.
We have Little Tikes 3 in 1 trike. The seat moves for different height children once you remove the safety rails. We found it to be more geared to shorter children, my DS is tall and he has the seat all the way back. Maybe you can test one in store?
Re: Tricycles for short toddlers?