LGBT Parenting

Surrogacy - What are ways to form attachment in the womb and after the first few days?

About a year ago, my husband’s best friend approached us to tell us she was ready to surrogate! Now we are so happy to have a little one on the way! (15weeks 1 day as of this post). As awesome as this is, with our surrogate and our "little bun in the oven" living about an hour away, I can't help feeling like we're missing a lot of the joys of the pregnancy process. I worry about voice recognition, and being able to share music with the baby bump, and forming attachments. Any suggestions?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Best Answers

  • vamommiesvamommies member
    Answer ✓
    Not sure what kind of a legal agreement your family has, maybe spend the weekends together, take milestone pictures of week by week belly. Buy a cheap ipod/head phones, load a playlist, make some recordings of you and your husband talking, have her play the list at night or when she can. This also might sound a little weird, but a lot of couples who are building their family through open adoption, if they have a great relationship with the birth mother, they do maternity pictures all together. :)
    Me - 31
    DW - 27

    TTC since Aug 2014, HSG clear, blood work good, retroverted uterus (no reason to not get a BFP?)
    #1 Unmedicated b2b IUI-8/14 =BFN
    #2 Unmedicated b2b IUI-9/14 = BFN
    #3 Unmedicated b2b IUI-10/14 = BFN
    #4 Clomid/HCG trigger/Progesterone IUI-11/14 =BFN
    #5 Clomid/Progesterone ICI at home-12/14 = BFN
    #6 Unmedicated ICI at home-1/15 = BFN
    #7 Medicated ICI at home- 1/30 = BFN
    #8 Taking a break..... Maybe IVF if we win the lotto.

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  • KarlamoKarlamo member
    edited January 2015 Answer ✓

    Have you seen the blog Looking for Christina Lie?  It's a blog written by 2 gay men who were in the process of going through surrogacy.  Their daughter is 2 now I think.   They live in Hawaii and the Surrogate lives in DC.

    I'll attach the link in case you're interested in going back and reading about their journey.  I hope you stick around here, I'd love to hear more about your journey to Daddyhood!


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