About a year ago, my husband’s best friend approached us to tell us she was ready to surrogate! Now we are so happy to have a little one on the way! (15weeks 1 day as of this post). As awesome as this is, with our surrogate and our "little bun in the oven" living about an hour away, I can't help feeling like we're missing a lot of the joys of the pregnancy process. I worry about voice recognition, and being able to share music with the baby bump, and forming attachments. Any suggestions?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Have you seen the blog Looking for Christina Lie? It's a blog written by 2 gay men who were in the process of going through surrogacy. Their daughter is 2 now I think. They live in Hawaii and the Surrogate lives in DC.
I'll attach the link in case you're interested in going back and reading about their journey. I hope you stick around here, I'd love to hear more about your journey to Daddyhood!
Re: Surrogacy - What are ways to form attachment in the womb and after the first few days?
Thanks @healz413 - I will post there. Thought I would try the LGBT board first because... well... straight people scare me :P haha.
Thanks @knottie0954378and @KLeigh1
Thank you so much! @karlamo I'm checking out that link now! appreciate it!