Two Under 2

2u2 sharing a room

At what age would you move both kids into the same room?  I'm afraid the infant will wake the toddler but I'm ready to get him out of my bed!
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Re: 2u2 sharing a room

  • its going to be a transition at any stage but if the littlest is sleeping through the night or rarely wakes then give it a try. the worst thing you can do is try and it not work right? It will take time as they will both have adjusting to do!
  • Following, since we plan on doing the same! No advice, just shared concerns :)
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  • You might be surprised how well they will do together in the same room, even if #2 still wakes up at night. We moved ours into the same room when DS#2 was around 7 or 8 months, and he was still waking once during the night. Most of the time DS#1 slept right through it but he would occasionally wake up. If he woke up he generally just rolled over and went right back to sleep. If I have any advice to you though, keep #1 in the crib as long as possible. Once DS #1 transitioned to the bed, he was fine at first, but then he started jumping into DS#2's crib at night. This was more of a problem than #2 waking up #1!

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  • I'm agreeing with pp. They might surprise you.

    I kicked DD2 out of my room at 4 months old and was very nervous. DD1 was only 16 months old at the time, but a sound sleeper. DD2 was still waking up 2-3x a night. However, DD1 slept through the majority of the nighttime wakings. The few times she did wake up (very few!), she saw me in the chair nursing her sister and was content to go right back to sleep.
    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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  • Yes! Agree with everyone else. My kids have shared a room since the baby was 4 months. Hey did so well with it and there was really no hiccups in sleeping. Now that they are a bit older they are starting to play more instead of napping but I'm not going to interfere if they are laughing and playing ;)
    Married 6.23.12
    Baby #1 5.10.13
    Baby #2 6.9.14
    Baby #3 EDD 10.1.15
    Life is good :)

  • Following, since we plan on doing the same! No advice, just shared concerns :)

    I have to agree with this. We're expecting our next one, so we'll be moving our son into my stepson's room for probably the next year or two, the oldest is 6, but we only have him on weekends. Since we have a 2bd place, we're going to need our bedroom again for the new addition.
    Became Stepmomma to the world's best little boy, Marcus, on November 1, 2009!
    BFP On December 7, 2013! Due August 8, 2014!
    Reese made his arrival on August 13, 2014 after 42 hours of labor!

    BFP on April 2, 2015, estimated due date is December 6, 2015!
    Teryn made his arrival on December 6, 2015 after only 15 short hours of labor!

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  • I was so worried about this.  We finally moved my three month old into my 18 month old's bedroom, and EVERYONE slept better.  I was so surprised.
  • so we have 2 under 2, but they are twins - not exactly the same as most others on this board. The one thing that I have realized is that they learned pretty quickly to sleep through each other's noise. sure, sometimes one wakes the other up, but most of the time they don't. Just last night B had some tooth pain and was up needing meds a couple of times. His usually light sleeper of a sister didn't make a peep all night. It will work out. Just give it some time!
  • Agree with what everyone else has mentioned - they will surprise you - but I'll also throw out that a sound machine does wonders. It creates just enough of some background noise that if our DD2 wakes up fussing for a pacifier or whatever, DD1 doesn't even hear her.

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