Chit Chat

I think I might be pregnant!

I'm 18, my husband and I haven't quite been married for a month. We thought I was pregnant about 7 months ago but the tests came back negative. Now I'm thinking we might of been right. I'm craving crazy things, I'm peeing a lot, I'm tired all the time, my back is killing me, my feet are starting to hurt when I stand for longer than 5 minuets, and I'm gaining weight. I've gained about 15 lbs since we first thought I was pregnant. At first I thought it might of been freshmen 15 but then all this really started to take affect. I've take more tests but they have all come back negative. I'm starting to think my irregular periods have an effect on this. (I only get my period once a year). Anyway, I've attached pictures and I would like to see what y'all think!
Please help!!
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