Baby Names

What do you do when the name you picked out ages ago and love has become super popular?

DH and I picked out the name Jaden about 9 years ago. It was around obviously but not as super popular as it is today. We still love the name and DH is still adamant on naming a boy that (if it is indeed a boy). The reasoning behind it is he likes his family succession of names; his dad is Jay, he is Jason, so he wanted to carry the trend. Fine.

Now, Jaden is something like the top 10 names and it bothers me. I still love the name though. What would you do? Stick with the name you like and say "screw it!" or try to figure something else out (which won't be an easy task trying to convince DH)?

Kind of hoping it's a girl so I don't even have to worry about it, lol
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Re: What do you do when the name you picked out ages ago and love has become super popular?

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  • If it was any other name I would say use it, but I can't imagine anyone loving the name Jaden.
    I personally wouldn't carry the trend; it's a little cheesy, but I would go with James nn Jay.

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  • It depends on your approach.

    A lot of people love a name at one point in their lives, but realize that their tastes change and find something else. My phantom children were going to be, in order, Bethany, Katrina, or Deirdre. DD's name is nothing close to these. OTOH, DH has had a boy name picked out for years and he still loves it.

    And it depends on how the popularity of a name bothers you. There's a reason some names are popular: they sound nice, a lot of people like them, and they use them. There's nothing wrong with that.

    So if you're truly set on the name, and the popularity doesn't bother you, go for it.

    FWIW, I feel like Jaden is trendy and made-up. I only know one child with it (spelled slightly differently), and even his relatives aren't huge fans. And I don't think it follows this made-up progression your H has come up with. Would James or Jameson work? Those are close to Jaden without the trend-factor
  • If you love it, go for it... Or as a middle name? I think it's a hard decision to scrap if you've been set on it all this time!
  • Thanks for all of your thoughts. While I do know that Jaden is trendy, it is not necessarily a made up name, just a made up spelling. The name Jadon is actually in the Bible (not that I am religious or anything).

    I will just hope we find out it's a girl next week and that I won't even have to bring up changing the choice :)
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
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  • I don't know any Jadens, but my pregnant best friend is naming her son Jalen (no idea where she got that from).

    Only Jaden I know of is Will Smith's kid.

    I don't like it because I don't like boy names ending in en/an/on. Or girl names for that matter.

    My naming tastes have changed a lot since I was young and dreaming of what I'd call my kids.

    I used to love Sydney, Madison, Ethan and Liam and now I'd never name my kids that just because they're not my style anymore.

    Guess it's good I didn't have kids when I was 15.

    I think there are a few J names that are similar to Jaden that would work better, problem is convincing your husband, right? ;)
  • This happened to us, too. About 10 years ago I heard the name Liam for the first time and immediately fell in love with it. Fast forward 10 years when I was pregnant with a son, Liam was a top 10 name (when he was born 2 years ago I think it was even number 1 on some boards?) Anyway, I stuck to my guns and went with it, despite the popularity...and am so glad I did. I've only met one other Liam IRL (but have seen a few pop up on facebook). If you love the name, I say go for it! Good luck with your decision!
  • The names we are using are in the top 3. I don't care about popularity. I care that the baby has a name that we love. If he/she is one of many with that name, it's fine. School is only for so long of a persons life, I want the name to be good for life whether he/she knows others with the same name or not doesn't bother me.
  • Well I really think the name is awful and have no idea how it's so popular.

    But I will say, that with all the names people are using these days, top 10s aren't as prolific as they were when I was named Jennifer in 1983. I mean there were 10s of thousands my year. Now it's a few thousand Sophias, etc. And I won't say my life sucked because there were other Jens. My two best friends are Jennifers :)

    That said, I'd feel better about its top ten status if it was a classic name but if you love it, I don't think popularity should stop you.

    Though I agree with a pp, I love Jameson and could see that on a grownup in a professional setting way more than Jaden.
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  • I think it's fine and a cool idea. :)
    What's the proper spelling?
    I've seen jaden, Jayden, jaydin, jaedin and jaedyn...
  • I'm pretty sure Jaden took off like ten years ago when Britney Spears named her kid that (right? I'm too lazy to Wikipedia it right now so that's from memory). I kind of think the -aden trend is on the downswing so it will be less common for a kid born in 2015. But that's just my guess.

    If you love the name, use it. It's too trendy for me and NMS to begin with, but my great grandmother was named Lilian and I always thought I'd use it for a girl but it's way too popular now and, honestly? My tastes have changed.
  • I loved the name "crew" about 12 years ago and my whole family knew I loved it so much that my aunt and uncle asked me if they could use it when their son was born at that time. I'm glad I let them use it then because flash forward 12 years it is literally the most popular boy name (at least in our area). We have 3 "crews" on our street alone. I would definitely not use crew because it has become so popular, but I really feel like I don't hear jaden that often. Also I hate traditional names so I would definitely stick with it over "James" or anything like that.
  • 4N6s said:
    I think it's fine and a cool idea. :) What's the proper spelling? I've seen jaden, Jayden, jaydin, jaedin and jaedyn...
    Technically the original spelling is Jadon (from the Bible) but I hate that spelling, makes me think of radon or something...
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
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  • My son's name is Jayden and there are quite a few Jayden/Jaden/Jadon's that we know. We also know a few Jaeden's who are girls. There are also Caden's and Aiden's and Hayden's. If I could go back I would choose differently because of the popularity. I love the sound but there are so many variations :(
    You have to do what feels right to you. If you can't get it out of your head or heart, go for it!
  • MAdams728MAdams728 member
    edited January 2015
    MamaBish said:

    4N6s said:

    I think it's fine and a cool idea. :)
    What's the proper spelling?
    I've seen jaden, Jayden, jaydin, jaedin and jaedyn...

    Technically the original spelling is Jadon (from the Bible) but I hate that spelling, makes me think of radon or something...


    The "on" ending is not pronounced the same as the above listed spellings. Using your own example, you don't pronounce Radon as Radin.

    ON, EN, of these things is not like the other.


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  • If you really love the name then go for it, but keep in mind that he'll be one of five Jaden's in his class at school.  Maybe use Jaden as the middle name?
  • namastelpnamastelp member
    edited January 2015
    In the age of technology, having a popular name may be a plus. You won't have to worry that someone can put you into Google & find your whole life story !

    I didn't love the name Jaden as it seemed made up to me. Then it turns out it's Hebrew!

    Happy naming!
  • I loved the name "crew" ....e flash forward 12 years it is literally the most popular boy name (at least in our area). We have 3 "crews" on our street alone. .

    Where do you live? I have never heard crew in my life ( except for rowers )
  • Hate jadon anyway you spell it...
    it falls into the vast ocean of all other ayden names!
  • Popularity doesn't really bother me. If my his band and I were lucky enough to agree on a name that we both love then I would use it. I would rather use a name we both love then settle on something else that we don't like as much just because of popularity. Names get popular for a reason right? Because they're good names. I say use it. Is it my taste? No. I used to like that name back in the day when Britney Spears was naming her baby the same name. But if it's you and your hubbys favorite, I would just use it.
  • What about Jason? That's a great name.
  • Do you have a baby name registry online for your state/ province? There are a few names I like and when looking at a list based on the whole country it's very popular but I looked in my province and found the name wasn't actually as popular where I live.
  • I've never been a fan of the -den trend (except Hayden on a boy).  Jaden is just EW to me...I think low class, personally.  Alas, people have said that about the name I chose, so if you and hubby really like it, then stand by your decision - you'll be using it the most.  Make sure you're happy with that name on a resume though.
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  • Although I am personally not a fan of the name - if you love it, use it! Name popularity isn't what it used to be, as more and more parents are branching out and giving their children less popular name. Even the number one name is only given to 1% of the population.

    I understand the hesitation with very popular names, especially growing up in the 80's and 90's, where there were Amandas, Brittanys, Joshuas, and Justins absolutely everywhere. But it's just not like that anymore!

    Good luck either way, and congrats on your pregnancy!
  • I'm in the screw it and use it anyway because you love it. I agree that jaden sounds like a made up name, but if it has significance to you and dh then go for it :smiley:
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  • andrieya said:
    What about Jason? That's a great name.
    That's DH's name :)
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
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  • I feel kind of the same with my top two girl names....BUT nobody in my family has used them so I see them as fair game! Lol!
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