Stay at Home Moms

Talk To Me About 2 Kids..

I have the itch!

Tell me all the differences, positive and negative of going from one to two kids!

Also, what age gap do you like and why?

Mine would be just over 2 years apart if I got pregnant soon.

Re: Talk To Me About 2 Kids..

  • DS and DD are 2 years and 4 months apart.

    Positives....they love each other so much. It is so sweet. DS is almost 3 now and DD is about 6 months. DS already tries to play with DD.

    I don't know if this is a negative, but its a lot busier. It's not horrible, but I definitely feel like there aren't enough hours in the day nowadays.

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    BFP with #2- Sept 6, 2013  EDD May 20, 2014   MC Sept 26, 2013 @ 6 wks 2 days

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  • Following. My son is 7 1/2 months old and we have another one on the way this July. I'm a little nervous about managing two babies at once.
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  • Mine are 2 years and 4 months apart. The neg is having both in diapers. I am currently potty training my son. Also neg is trying to choose who to help first when they both need me at the same time. But that could be any age not just mine. Also I don't like my stroller situation. My ds is on the verge of not needing a stroller but can't walk everywhere so we have a double stroller but it's a hassle to bring out that bulky thing. Plus getting them both in the car seats is exhausting. Ok now on to the positives. They are finally learning to play together which is the sweetest thing ever. I was able to reuse most of the stuff from my oldest so the expenses are not really that much different. Just watching their relation at this young age makes all the negative stuff worth it.
  • IAmSherlockedIAmSherlocked member
    edited January 2015
    I haven't been around much since I intro'd awhile ago but wanted to pitch in. D was just shy of years old when the twins were born so while I don't nevessarily know what it's like to have 2 kids that close in age, I can relate a bit.  :)

    Not gonna lie, it was rough early on because like PP mentioned it's hard to help all the kids when they all need your help right that instant.And the stroller situation was lame. For the most part I ended up putting D and one of the girls in the double stroller and then wearing the other girl. It was rough, but we managed.

    I will say that D was very interested in the babies when they were born and being a big brother, and he's been great. Now that the kids are a little older (girls are 3, D is turning 5 soon), they play a lot together and make up all sorts of crazy games. Sure they fight every once in while, but for the most part they are sweet to each other.
  • Busy but awesome! The newborn stage is always hard, but then they start to play with each other and it's so much fun. I have about 2 years between each of my kids. Seeing them together is really neat.
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  • The hardest thing for me is that my house is wrecked a lot now.  It wasn't bad when DS2 was a baby but now that he is a full blown kid, two kids dragging toys everywhere and leaving crumbs, etc. is a lot harder to keep up with.  I like a clean house so this constant  putting out fires drives me nuts.  Third on the way, so I am coming to terms with house being dirtier than I would like for awhile.  Oh, and when they are both sick, that sucks too. 
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  • There is a five year age gap between C and H. I was worried at first about them not bonding as much as siblings closer in age, but we were in no position to have another child when C was younger. Fortunately, we ended up with two VERY chill kids. C rolls with the punches of no longer being an only child beautifully and H has been a champ whenever we bring him to one of her activities. I think it helped that she was at an age where she could somewhat understand the changes that were happening and has a certain level of autonomy. She loves to take care of and play with "her" baby.
    We are hoping to try for a third in September. H will be a little over 2 and C will be 7. (And that's if this baby decides to treat my uterus like an oven and not a microwave like the other two, but that's a whole other conversation) While a close age gap seems intimidating to me, I really don't want C to be too much older when we have our next child.
    I definitely feel more like a parent/grown up now that I have two kids.

    C 1/25/09
    H 2/8/14

  • I also am wanting a second sooner rather then later. DS would be just over 2 if I conceived right away.
  • DS1 and DS2 are exactly 3 years and. 9 months apart and we planned it that way to the month. I just didn't feel ready when DS1 turned 2, and then he turned 3 and I realized I wasn't getting any younger. DS2 is only 3.5 months old, but the positives are that DS1 can be left alone to play while I nurse, I can leave them in the same room for a few minutes and Ds1 won't hurt the baby, no curious fingers poking eyes , etc. the tricky part is things like preschool that is only 2.5 hours long, and I try to run errands during that time but balance nursing the baby. I think they will be close enough to play, but not so close that they will have a big rivalry.
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  • Positive: double the cuddles. It's adorable to watch them play & learn together.

    Negative: when everyone cries at once, sickness seems to be doubled & feeling touched out occasionally.

    My kids are 20 months apart. Hey there @provwife :-h

    LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:

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  • My kiddos are 24 months apart.

    They are so close and love to play together. Both are boys, so I don't buy that many clothes or toys! They share everything or hand stuff down. My first was potty trained at 2.5, so I only had two in diapers for about 5 months. Going places in the beginning was pretty daunting, but now that they are almost 2 and 4 its easy peasy. I don't have to schedule as many play dates because they love to be together.

    My only con is I feel like everyone is sick all the time in the winter. The days are soooo long. One is napping and the other isn't, so I feel like i don't get a break. And I'm so tired at the end of the day. But its all so so worth it. GL!
     DS1 8/2011. DS2 8/2013.

  • My girls are 3 years and 10 months apart. We were planning for exactly 4 years but DD2 made an early appearance.

    Pros - DD1 is quite helpful. When I'm in the shower she will "babysit." It makes her feel like a big girl. She can also be left alone to play while I tend to DD2.

    Cons - I do believe they're missing out on that sisterly bonding because of the age gap. I also forgot how it felt to have a small baby (night feedings, blow out diapers, etc.)
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  • My daughter is 2 1/2 and my son just turned 1 in April they are 18 months apart and now we are expecting another little girl in October and she'll be 18 months apart from my son. We have a little pattern luckily they play together, they nap together, they eat together, they bathe together and they love each other. Its been so easy which is why we are going for 3 but now im scared of the time I have to spread between them all thank goodness for nearby parks!! I love being home all day with them best advice I have, make sure you have a good double stroller haha
  • I have 3 children already and am expecting number 4. The age gaps are 2 years 2 months with number 1 & 2. I felt 2 years was a great age gap. My oldest was potty trained before 2 so I didn't have to worry about 2 being in diapers at the same time. They are extremely close and share many of the same friends. The age gap for #2 & #3 is 4 years 9 months and they are not as close. Also my older 2 want to do completely different things than the youngest. My youngest just wants to be able to do what they do. When #4 is born #3 & #4 will be 3 years 4 months apart. We will see how it goes. For me personally I like the 2 year gap.
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