July 2015 Moms

time is flying by

I am just starting to feel like this pregnancy is flying by. This is our first baby and we haven't found out the sex yet, maybe it's all the anxiety making me feel this way. I feel like I don't have anything done or ready for the baby, I'm due July 19th.

Re: time is flying by

  • MamamadsMamamads member
    edited January 2015
    There's usually a randoms thread floating around, that would be a great place to post this.
  • I feel the complete opposite. I am so anxious and ready to meet my baby and it's creeping by! I have a bump but you still can't really tell that I'm pregnant. I'm due July 4th. 
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  • Yeah mine is flying by too. It's crazy. I've known that I'm pregnant since I was 3 weeks everyone said it was gonna be the longest pregnancy ever. Not for me. But it will probably slow down once we know what we are having!
  • I am alllmost 17 weeks. I don't know where the time has gone! Congrats to us all for making it this far!
  • I wish i felt that way. It doesn't help my bump account says im a week behind what the doctor told me i am. It trips me up. But its going pretty slow. I also haven't gone out and am waiting to go places with friends b.c i don't look pregnant i look like i have a big gut lol.
  • I wish i felt that way. It doesn't help my bump account says im a week behind what the doctor told me i am. It trips me up. But its going pretty slow. I also haven't gone out and am waiting to go places with friends b.c i don't look pregnant i look like i have a big gut lol.

    You can edit your due date.
  • I think time is flying by also.  I bet at the 3rd trimester it'll all slow down....
  • I'm not due until 7/28 but I do feel like time is flying! February is just around the corner. Go us! 
  • Mine feels very quick because I was already 8 weeks when we found out, and my previous pregnancies were all discovered right at 3 or 4 weeks.


    Lilypie - (tQ1Y)

    Lilypie - (Rgc4)

    Daisypath - (bXqd)

    Natural miscarriage @ 8 weeks - 3/8/2005
    Big Brother "Skippy" born - 2/28/2007
    Missed miscarriage - (EDD 3/5/2013) - D&E @ 11 weeks - 8/8/2012
    "Hen" (EDD 6/7/2013) - born sleeping @ 19 weeks - 1/15/2013
    "G-Unit" born - 4/14/2014 and he's 100% perfection!!
  • I'm feeling the opposite.... Everything is going so slow... I think it's also due to the fact that my job is wearing on me & the work weeks are feeling so long... Uhg... Plus I've suffered 3 losses in the past & the wait between Drs appts doesn't help... ;/ Hopefully we will all find a happy medium at some point! Good luck to all!
  • I feel like it's going so fast too! Monday I had to schedule my 20wk appt when it hit me that's half way already! It's so exciting
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