If they said they think it's a girl why not trust the person whose job is to do ultrasounds. If it's to early and you still have doubts wait until you're further along for another u/s. Btw I can't see anything
BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th.
It's a girl!!! (:
Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
Can't tell, I don't see anything but two lines but I'm no professional. Did you have any genetic testing done? That should be able to confirm. Or else just take it with a grain of salt for now and wait till the next US.
I don't see any pic. I'm curious what your experience is with reading ultrasounds and why you think you're more trained to determine this than the sonographer or MD who told you its a girl? there have been several posts like this lately, and maybe you don't read the board to see that all the answers are similar. I am not a sono tech, nor am I an OB. if you think your u/s was read incorrectly, please go get a second opinion from a professional.
now that I'm on my laptop and can click the gif fail I do see there is an actual ultrasound pic. I wouldn't be telling everyone its a girl just yet. At 14weeks its still a bit early. When I pregnant with my ds my widwife guessed girl when I was 15ish weeks and when I was 22weeks and had my 3d super awesome scan it was VERY apparent that it was a BOY! I mean the tech didn't even have to tell me.
Married DH : 7/7/12; 3 fur babies (2 dogs and 1 cat) DS born 9/3/13; DD born 7/22/15; LO due 5/28/18 FS (age 5) and FD (age 2) to become AS/AD very soon!
You're 14wks. You could be having a kitten for all we know at this point. Either trust them or don't, but we don't know these things so no point asking.
Re: it it a girl??
Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
Elsie - 07/08/2015
DS born 9/3/13; DD born 7/22/15; LO due 5/28/18
FS (age 5) and FD (age 2) to become AS/AD very soon!