

I'm glad she is feeling better!  It is very scary to have a child that young and so sick in the hosptial. 

It was good.  We went to Chicago to visit family. That was fun since there were 4 new babies there this year.  A May baby, June baby, July baby and a December baby and one that is due in 7 days.

We went to the Jelly Belly Warehouse tour, it was cute.  K loved wearing the little hat and taking her picture in the photo booth.

How was your week?

Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image


  • Aw, the Jelly Belly tour sounds so cute! How did they do on the plane?  I hope you got pics of all those babies- so cute!

    Where were you when you were in N Jersey?

    Our week was low key. Tried to keep the baby in the house and out of crowds, so we didn't do anything. We finally celebrated Gina's birthday with just my parents and brother, so that was nice. She didn't know the difference.

    We have to go back next Monday for Emi's (hopefully) well visit, and that will mark the 8th pedi visit of the month. AH!

    How did I let Frank talk me into buying a ticket package for hte Mets? He is so excited- they go on sale tomorrow.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • We got lucky.  They both fell asleep for the whole plane trip there and back!  I asked the flight attendent if there were any "clues" that we were about to take off.  Southwest has a double ding right before you take off.  We were flying Midwest Airlines and she was clueless.  She kept saying "well when we reach 10,000 feet you will hear a 4 dings"  Great that does me no good since I need to nurse when we take off.  I did ok though.

    We were all over.  Way up North near Sussex and in Essex county.  We visiting Randy's family and some of our friends

    Sounds like the best kind of birthday party. Low key! 

    8 times in one month is alot, don't you feel like you should be calling the pedi by their first name at that point:)

    Randy had the mini plan when we lived up there.  He loved it.  Are you going to the games with him?


    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
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  • In March Randy and his brother/father are going to Cooperstown to do this Hall of Fame Tour.  It is 3 days long!
    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • OMG Frank dragged me to Cooperstown before we were  married. It was HORRIBLE. SO boring. It's far too- in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Be so glad you are not going! The longest day of my life, ugh.

    Yes, I will be going to some of the games, and we will hopefully sell some of them to get some of the $ back (at least that is what he promised me:) And we are going to take both girls to an afternoon game. We took Gina when she was 7 months old, and had a blast.

    Sounds like you guys had a busy week!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Yeah, I'm not sad that I'm not going to Cooperstown.  I was also dragged there once.  On the plus side we stayed in a cute B&B though.

    I was looking at the Phillies schedule and told Randy he better take me to a game.  Maybe I can convince him to drive to a Mets game.  That shouldn't be too hard:) Don't tell Frank, Randy has a signed David Wright Jersey.  He got it from his ex-boss's wife.  We want to get it framed,but don't want the risk of it getting stolen.

    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • Oh I'm never telling Frank that. He would be the one to come steal it. LOL. He has a serious man crush on David Wright. 

    Definitely let me know if you come to a game up here. All I have to do is suggest it and F is all over it. I love the Phillies stadium and my fat self wants a schmitter :) However, F is entirely too bitter about them winning to go.

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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