July 2015 Moms

Tuesday Randoms

how is it 2pm and we don't have a randoms post?  is my computer glitching?  what's on your minds ladies?  I guess this is what happens when all those "mean" regulars leave and no one is passionate about putting time and effort into maintaining the board. 

Re: Tuesday Randoms

  • I want all the tuna the world has to offer and deli meat! :) YUMM!! That's my random!

  • My coworker is annoying the shit out of me. Today might be the day that I finally tell him to shut it! He thinks that he must talk constantly to fill any silence in the room that may occur. It drives me batty.
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  • I got my hair straightened with keratin yesterday and I'm so excited! I feel pretty again even with all the weight gain. =3
    Also I looked but couldn't find the sex announcement thread. We hopefully find out in two days so I hope it's still around somewhere so I can share!

    Married 4/13/13

    Loss at 6 weeks 5/4/2013

    Loss at 9 weeks 12/2013

    Healthy baby boy 7/12/15

    Due 1/6/18

  • Wishing this terrible headache would go away. Probably due in part to my lack of sleep. Doctor said I'd find it easier to sleep in this trimester. Still waiting...
  • I honestly can't wait for spring, but here where I live, I've been annoyed we haven't had any good snow yet. We normally get a good amount of snow and this year so far it's been junk. While i hate being cold, I do like to have a play day in the snow with my kids. You know...build a snow man and go sledding...

    What weird weather we're having this year....

    Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
    Mikey - 11/08/2000
    Eden - 02/23/2003
    Alora - 04/07/2006
    Elsie - 07/08/2015
    Expecting a baby girl 11/01/2016!!

  • There were a lot of very nice regulars who gave great advice. I think we need to stop with the unfair bashing, it's not very classy.

    That's my random thought for the day.

  • I mean there IS a VERY active randoms thread at the other place.
  • I have a shit ton a sewing to get done by tomorrow and haven't started nor do I feel like starting it. Also this antibiotic I'm on gives me the grossest taste in my mouth. Just want to lay in bed all day and watch TV.
  • Yay! 14 weeks today!! Just ate an avacado sandwich and it was bomb!
  • My boyfriend is talking in his sleep and it's hilarious.

    He sounds like he's speaking in tongues or playing a record backwards.

    I think I might need to call an exorcist.
  • I made 14 wks today and I feel great! Felt even better after I ran 4 miles! Great day.
  • Having a cat while pregnant is like having a shadow that smells like tuna and breathes on your neck when you sleep.

    This sounds just like having a cat when you're not pregnant haha
  • SAHMommieSAHMommie member
    edited January 2015
    kacdanz said:
    Is it just me or does anyone find it fishy that since all this drama went down the posts that are most complained about quadrupled?? I smell a rat...I feel like some pissed off bumpies are creating weird arse posts to make this place seem horrible. We are mostly in the 2nd trimester...where would all these random (but still welcomed) people coming from? I smell a rat....
    No I don't think so. Most of them refuse to come back here. The ones that even wanna stick around to bitch still use the the same SN and nobody has mentioned AE's at the other place and I'm pretty sure if they were creating crap posts to be annoying they'd be boasting about it at the other place.
    This is what happens when there is not a enough people that care about the board.

    EDIT because words are some damn hard.
  • @SAHMommie‌ can you pm me the location of the other board? I found it then lost it and forgot where I found it. Is if mobile friendly? Getting to an actual computer is hard for me. Thanks in advance! :)
  • SAHMommie said:
    kacdanz said:
    Is it just me or does anyone find it fishy that since all this drama went down the posts that are most complained about quadrupled?? I smell a rat...I feel like some pissed off bumpies are creating weird arse posts to make this place seem horrible. We are mostly in the 2nd trimester...where would all these random (but still welcomed) people coming from? I smell a rat....
    No I don't think so. Most of them refuse to come back here. The ones that are even wanna stick around to bitch still use the the same SN and nobody has mentioned AE's at the other place and I'm pretty sure if the were creating crap post to being annoying they'd be boasting about it at the other place.
    This is what happens whens there not a enough people that care about the board.
    yeah i feel like people are coming out of the woodwork after the new guidelines or TOU.  Also I feel like the board is very disorganized and no one is posting the usual randoms, symptoms, etc to keep things neat.  
  • These headaches need to go ... I'm about sick of them . I would gladly take back the MS and tiredness to have these headaches gone .
    Side Note: (im a nanny) the kids at work are definitely starting to get on my last nerve , patience is running thin here ... I would never yell at kids that arnt mine but holy mother ****** if I here "why miss Taylor" one more time I might lock myself in the bathroom. Hahaha these hormones =))
  • @SAHMommie‌ I still smell a rat. No matter how cool people may seem bottom line is they are still internet strangers that can very well be doing what I said in my previous post. I would think they would be embarrassed to admit they are doing such a thing anyway. It's no coincidence that all of a sudden the very things that are complained about the most start appearing out of no where from users that have never posted anything. And if all of then were staying far away why are they constantly sending screen shots and links to every screwed up post?
  • kacdanz said:
    @SAHMommie‌ I still smell a rat. No matter how cool people may seem bottom line is they are still internet strangers that can very well be doing what I said in my previous post. I would think they would be embarrassed to admit they are doing such a thing anyway. It's no coincidence that all of a sudden the very things that are complained about the most start appearing out of no where from users that have never posted anything. And if all of then were staying far away why are they constantly sending screen shots and links to every screwed up post?
    nahh...they wouldn't be embarrassed they literally would be over at the other place going "guise I'm doing annoying shit on the dump to piss bitches off" and then we'd all laugh and run over here to see what she did. 
  • kacdanz said:
     And if all of then were staying far away why are they constantly sending screen shots and links to every screwed up post?
    I forgot to answer this part my bad.

    Because now its both funny and sad to see the place we called "home" go down.
  • I'm really excited to watch RHBH tonight! Yes I am a reality show junky! And thank god my DH hooked me up with a DVR!
  • It's fucking insane. It seems like there's a post every hour is this a boy or girl?

    I'm 8 weeks and felt my baby burp!


    BFP - 10/28/2014!

    EDD 7/13/2015

    Ultra Sound 12/2 @ 8+1 measuring 8+4


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