August 2015 Moms anyone!?

i am receiving emails from everyday offering free things( pillows, car seats covers etc). Says you only pay for shipping, sounds attractive but was wondering if anyone used that site/ service? Google says it is not a scam but I want to hear your opinion.

Re: anyone!?

  • I have no idea either--but I've been getting stuff too.  For now, I'm not signing up for anything!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I assumed they are from the bump . My question was- should I start buying free stuff that they are offering or is it all crap and not worth it? And can I trust those offers?
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  • I got some of the stuff last pregnancy (carseat cover and nursing cover up....maybe a baby sling too, I forget). I only used the nursing cover up. It is all legit, but nothing special.
  • Thank you, Miz_Liz!
  • They are so great I got free samples & a diaper bag for free. I also bought the car seat cover which is so cute. I def recommend them. Also check out, u get free baby coupons and baby bottle cooler bags.
  • I bought a few during my last pregnancy. I never paid more than $12 for shipping, so it was a deal.

  • The shipping is a little pricey IMO. In the past I did order a nursing cover (crap!) and the carseat canopy cover (loved it!)

    DS1 -6/25/11

    DS2 -3/23/13

    Missed MC D&C 8/26/14

    DD - 8/26/15

    LO#4 due 5/30/17

  • I made a new gmail account just for things like that, they can spam it all they want, as I will barely ever check it or link it to my phone.



    ****DS born 08/18/2015****Baby squishy due 08/03/2015****


    BabyFruit Ticker


  • Just remember . . . There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. I unsubscribed to that crap.
  • It's  bogus,  only want to spam you
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