May 2014 Moms

House cleaning schedule *edited*

NewMrsMacCNewMrsMacC member
edited January 2015 in May 2014 Moms
**This was for the SAHM forum.
Sorry for misplaced post**

What's yours?

Monday and Tuesday are laundry for me. I lost one the two days last week ( running errands for sick family member). So, now these clothes are piled up like, ridiculous. Great.

Wednesday is all floors- mopping and detail vacuuming. I'm a FTM with a newly crawling 8m old.. Jesus Christ! How do they get into all the shit they get into??!!!? Detailing a floor is a new and obsessive ritual to which I have recently committed myself... (after finding various small and terrifying debris in my infant daughters little hands.)

Thursday is dusting and windexing

Friday is bathrooms

Weekends are just the normal eveydays, cleaning and sweeping kitchen, vacume in living room rug, picking up toys and nursery etc.

Share your schedule!



Re: House cleaning schedule *edited*

  • STM here... I also have a huge dog and 2 cats with fur all over and I only clean once a week. As long as nothing dangerous is on the floor, I dont have time to have a schedule so to speak.
    I do the kids laundry and DH does our laundry. I only do it when running low on clothes. Priorities shiftwhen running my zoo. I like to spend more time with the kids over cleaning cause they are only little for so long and only have one year at home with them.
  • STM: I sweep when the toddler makes a mess and I get tired of having shit stuck to my feet. Laundry gets done when I can. Dishes are always swallowing me alive. Dusting and windex???? HA!! That's a good one. ;)

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  • I have a cleaning lady come. Best $60 I could spend. We both work full time and I was getting major anxiety about getting it all done and was missing DS
  • FTM, work full-time. I clean on Sunday, I spend 2 hours and vacuum, dust, bathrooms, floors. I do laundry whenever. Right now that means every other day because I've got a sick baby who is bringing every germ imaginable home from DC.
  • I actually just got a cleaning check list app to help me stay organized and make sure I get everything done.
  • Daily:
    Wipe down bathrooms
    Pick up crap

    Weekends (this is sometimes Wednesdays/Thursdays and other times Friday-Sunday):
    Steam clean carpet/furniture (once-twice a month)

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

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