January 2015 Moms

Anyone else 4cm dilated at 39weeks

I'm 39 weeks and 4 cm dilated with second baby have been told any day, I also have a whole lot of pressure but no contraction yet

Re: Anyone else 4cm dilated at 39weeks

  • sanbrysanbry member
    edited January 2015
    Not me personally but my best friend was 4cm dilated from 37-39.5 weeks with her second. She had her membranes stripped after 39 weeks and went into labor the next day. Good luck! At least you're almost halfway there when your labor starts :))
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  • I was 3 cm. The OB told me sooner rather than later because my cervix was forward. I delivered a few days later. Good luck!!

    Dec '12 & Jan '15
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  • Last Monday I was 3-4cm dilated at 39 weeks, and I ended up giving birth at 39w2d. My doctor said the dilation was not indicative about when I would go into labor, but she did have a feeling that labor would be quick, and she was right! I was already 9.5cm when the nurse first checked me 15 minutes after we got to the hospital, and DS2 was born shortly after that.

    I don't know how it will go for you, but either way, it will be soon (no longer than 2 weeks), and I hope it goes well!
  • I was 3cm last Monday at 39+1 and my midwife said she wouldn't be surprised if baby came early....but here I sit, still pregnant, so it meant nothing for me.
  • I was 4cm at my 39 week appointment last Monday.   My doctor thought for sure i would go sometime that week.  
    I am still pregnant.  Due date is on Monday.  


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  • Fingers crossed for you for Monday
  • Hope you go into labor soon fingers crossed
  • I was 4cm for weeks, WEEKS!, with my first.  I was first checked around 35/36 weeks and was at 4cm then.  I didn't go into labor until 38w5d, which is still early but I was sitting at 4 for weeks.  That's my point :)  I am pretty sure I'm at 4cm right now.  And I wait...  Being dilated doesn't mean you'll go into labor sooner. It just means labor will be quicker because you're almost halfway dilated already.  I went from 4cm to 10 in less than an hour once labor started.  Don't wait once you feel contractions!


    "Beanie" Natural 7w MC 11/21/12

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    Due with RAINBOW GIRL 2/10/15

  • I was induced with my first baby so it's like I'm a first timer again with the whole contractions!! Last night I had so many Braxton hicks very irregular I know everyone says once your in labor you'll know but I'm not sure what to look out for I've lost the plug and am getting period like pains and loads of pressure but I guess it will happen when she is ready I just really don't want to go over again I was 2 weeks over with my son and he ended up being huge at 9 pound 5 ounce
  • Good luck, @margs15. I guess everyone is different, but with DS1 I had period-like pains at the beginning of my labor. I didn't recognize them as contractions, but it turns out that was the start of labor.
  • I was 3cm at 38 weeks and 4cm at 39 weeks and didn't go into labor until the morning of exactly 41 weeks. It could be any day or it still could be a few weeks.
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  • I've been 4cm since 37 week appointment. Go tomorrow morning for 38 weeks wonder if I've dialated more. I feel a lot pressure and just really sore. He's also not moving as much. Are you experiencing that also?
  • Amira2 yep bub not moving as much and really struggling to walk and get off a seat without being in pain!!
  • I was 4 cm at my 37 week check and thinned out, thought for sure id deliver before my next appointment (tomorrow) but nothing :( have a feeling everything will be the same tomorrow
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