Has anyone considered a half birthday for their L O s?
B keeps saying he wants a pool party. Its not possible really 6 days before christmas.
It was just chaotic to say the least this year. I just want his birthday to be celebrated and not mixed in with christmas.
We've been talking about celebrating in the summer so he can have a pool party and it not be so crazy with holidays. However, when I mentioned it to my mom and aunts they just kinda laughed and said "just have a bbq".
** Highschool Sweethearts **
Married: February 14, 2009
MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
DS: December 19, 2011
MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks
Re: 1/2 birthday?
I've considered a half birthday celebration because December is hard for any outdoor celebration and LO loves bouncy houses! It does feel a little weird to me though so maybe I'll take your family's advice and just do a summer bbq
My 2 December boys
Also I'm always up for a bbq and a party!!