Pregnant after 35

After you got your BFP when did you see your Dr.?

If you found out you were pregnant by POAS. How far along were you and when did you schedule an appointment to see your Dr?

This is my 4th pregnancy and I never really know when I should see the Dr. My Dr always says just whenever you feel like coming in.

I know it's different if you have a specific reason for needing early monitoring, and it doesn't really matter, but am just curious what everyone else did/does.
Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

Re: After you got your BFP when did you see your Dr.?

  • I went for the first appointment week 9.
  • I found out around 12-13 DPO, so around four weeks (since you could from your LMP). I saw my family doctor at 15 DPO and she ordered a blood test to confirm. She also gave me some basic advice (take folic acid + any multivitamin, or a prenatal, drink tons of water, eat small meals, update all your shots, etc.).  

    Then I called the OB and they wouldn't see me until I was at 8 weeks. This is my first pregnancy, so those were four long weeks to wait! I think that's a good time to go because you can see the heart flicker on the monitor.

    I like your doctor's approach. :)
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  • My OB didn't want to see me before 7 weeks.  I went in closer to 9 weeks due to scheduling problems.  If you go too early, they may not be able to detect a heartbeat even if the pregnancy is viable, which can be stressful.
  • My OB didn't want to see me until 8 weeks, but I was super anxious, so the nurse got me scheduled for seven, which was really great of her.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Mine schedules first appointments at 8-10 weeks no matter when the BFP happens.
    Me: 38, DH: 35
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I saw my OB at 8 weeks but I had an ultrasound the week before at 7w2d.  I think that was good timing since we could check for a HB.  I think 7 weeks is good if you are sure when you ovulated.  If not I would wait for 8 week so there should be a HB.
    Me: 37                                               
    DH: 45
    BFP #1 3/19/14  EDD 11/29/14 MMC D&C 4/24/14
    BFP #2  12/4/14 Beta #1 218 at 12dpo Beta #2 1055 at 16dpo
    Saw heartbeat 12/29.  Please be a rainbow.
    All welcome                                   
  • I saw my OB at 8 1/2 weeks, but I had no idea I was that far along and neither did they until they did an ultrasound.  I called the day I took the test, but I was a little freaked out.  The.y scheduled an appointment with me within the week.  Went back two weeks later for a 10-week blood test.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Because of my history I was seen ASAP to see if it looked like it was actually a viable pregnancy. Under other circumstances they would have scheduled the first visit for 8wks.

    I think if your dr gives you the option, it just depends on what you want to see. Do you want to see if there's a yolk sac? Do you just want to wait and see the heartbeat? That's probably what you really need to decide.

    I think I remember you. Congrats on your pregnancy!
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • I saw my OB around 8 weeks (turned out to be 7 weeks when they dated me). I was surprised that it wasn't earlier. Due to a vacation DH and I were going on with my parents (cruise they payed for) I had told my father who swore he wouldn't say anything. 3 hours later my mom, uncle, god parents all know. I was terrified something would happen. But it's been good so far.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited January 2015
    Because of my history they always see me early. So I went in the day after I got my bfp. Then a few betas. Then an u/s at 7 weeks.

    Congrats & welcome!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Ah ok, everything works a little differently here.
    So my Dr. is my GP. He'll do initial bloodwork, and he could write a script to get a scan done (although last time he didn't)

    Then I'll book in with my MW and have a chat with her. Probably around 8weeks, and I'll have the option to get a dating scan done.

    But scans here are done at separate radiology clinics, that you have to make an appointment to go and have done.

    So it was really around when I should go and get that first lot of bloodwork done. I think I'll try and get in to see him this week because I'm on school break so it's convenient, and I should double check about some of the medication I'm on.

    Thanks for the lovely warm welcome ladies.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • I was supposed to see my ob at six weeks but I had to cancel twice bc Ii was sick. Here's hoping this week at eight weeks I finally get to go!
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  • I went 5w6d in shock after a Christmas Day bfp - blood test confirmed. Back sat at 7w5d
  • I went in about a week after my test and it was just to confirm with the OB with another urine test. At the time I went in he calculated I was 7 wks along.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • First pregnancy I didn't go until I was 9 weeks, subsequent pregnancies I was seeing an RE so I went right after I got my bfp's for blood work and early ultrasounds. This time, i'm still debating, play it cool and wait until 8 weeks or request early blood work. 

    nate and teddy        <img src= width="150px">

    Me 43 DH 48 Not actively ttc, surprise BFP on 1/6/11! 4/1/11 m/c our sunshine at 16wks after complications from CVS test.  *5th cycle after loss 12/6/11 BFP! Missed m/c at 9 weeks 1/21/12, trisomy 14. Two Chemical PG 3/12&7/12
    ** BFP 8/16/12 beta #1 148! beta#2 407 beta #3 4000 u/s 9.10 1 lovely hb 126, Baby Boy born 5/6/2013!

    TTC #2, bpf 1/15/15 Baby Girl due Oct 1! She's here, 9/26/2015! 

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  • I saw her at around 8 weeks. But this is my second pregnancy so it wasn't a surprise to see her at that time.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • lisahe1lisahe1 member
    edited January 2015
    My first official appt is at 8 weeks but I saw her this past week (4w1d) because I was spotting and was nervous, so the on call doctor had me come in for some blood work to make sure everything was fine, which it is. :)
  • We are military so it may be different. I POAS about a week after I was supposed to get my period.  For where we are stationed, you have to then take a pregnancy test at the doctor's office and then they refer you to the women's clinic.  The first appointment is really just an intake appointment (paperwork and labs) around 6-8wk. Your first appointment with the doctor or midwife is around 12wk unless there is a reason to be seen before 12wk. 
  • I'd go early if possible... First to check those betas, and then to get at a sono at about 7 weeks. Then I went again at 10 weeks. But that's me - after 2 losses... I needed to know, or else I'd go absolutely insane... Best of luck!
    Me: 41; DH: 49
    Married in 2010. 
    Laparoscopy for endometriosis - July 2010.
    BFP#1: Jan 2011; MMC March 2011
    BFP#2: Nov 2011; Blighted Ovum December 2011
    Diagnosed with high FSH and DOR - January 2012
    BFP#3: (Gonal-F, Trigger + TI) - May 2012; DD born Jan 2013 (c-section because of partial placental abruption)


    December 2013: FSH 27, AMH < 0.03
    A few medicated TI cycles in 2014.
    BFP#4: (Gonal-F, Trigger +TI) - Nov 2014; DS born July 2015

  • i used to go in really 6 weeks or 8 weeks the latest.  Thats when I used the midwifes that I loved.  Now its not really practical to go to them so I have been using a Dr and they don't see anyone until after you hit 12 weeks.  Well we were in FL for 2 weeks right when I hit 12 weeks then it was right before Christmas when we got back and the Dr office was closed more than it was open for a couple I got in right after the new year which put me at 15 weeks.  This is the latest I have ever gone before having an appointment. 
  • My first appt is tomorrow which will put me at 7 weeks. This is my first! I called when I got the positive at home test and she offered me this date. I think it's just for blood work. Then I see my OB at 8 weeks 4 days. Exciting! :blush:
  • BFP at 8 weeks. First office appt with the nurse was today at 14 weeks and she refused to give me US or try doppler!!! First actual obgyn appt wont be until feb 2! Im beyond frustrated and changing doctors tomorrow! I thought being 39 would make them want to keep a closer eye on me! I cant believe i havent heard the heartbeat yet. I have never heard of this happening to anyone else.
  • @erysapplespie yeah that's weird, that she wouldn't at least listen for heartbeat.

    I hope your next dr makes you feel better looked after.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • Immediately, because of my history of hyperemesis gravidarum. Then I changed doctors and saw the 2nd one by 6 weeks pregnant. I was losing a pound per day and the old doc wouldn't return my calls.

    **siggy warning**

    Current Age 35, DH 33

    Married 9/2011

    BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012

    BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013

    BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014

    BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015

  • We had an RE, but first OB appointment was at 10 weeks.
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • I had a BFP last Thursday, blood test on Friday and was scheduled for an ultrasound and appointment with my OB on the 26th as that is the earliest they had an appointment. I have had 3 miscarriages prior to this pregnancy and honestly was shocked I am even pregnant. Doctor started me on Progesterone already and hopefully all will be well on Monday. I am high risk, my last pregnancy that went beyond 6 weeks, I had my first Ultrasound at 8 weeks. This time I am not positive about my last period, so I am either 5-6 weeks along, I should have an answer on that on Monday though. Just hoping this one goes well.
    Missed Miscarriage 3/27 D&C 3/29/2012
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