Baby Names

Keeping our name a secret so I feel the need to share it somewhere

so we're having a baby boy and want the name to be a secret for several reasons. Our little man will be Lincoln Jack Brady S*******

Big brother is Brinley William David S*******

Middle names are family names and were pretty happy with it. Ok with nickname of linc or even LJ. For the record our girl name was Calla but alas she was not meant to be. 3 months to go:)

Re: Keeping our name a secret so I feel the need to share it somewhere

  • Congrats on deciding on a name!
  • Congratulations
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  • Lincoln Jack Brady is nice....not a huge fan of Lincoln (it's just not my style) but it's still good! Congrats!

    Ps Calla is beautiful, maybe someday you can use it haha
  • Congrats on deciding!
  • Congratulations on deciding on a name, it sure isn't easy!
  • How do you feel about 2 middle names? Obviously you're in favor of it, since you did it for both your boys.. But how did you weigh the pros and cons of that?

    I'm considering two middle names for our boy.. We want to use both grandfathers' names, but can't decide which one would go first. I'm getting ready to pick another first name and just use both of the others as middle names!

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  • We went with it because both H and I have 2 middle names. I like it tbh because you can include more family names (especially to include both sides of the family) and despite the stress of naming a kid it can be lots of fun. My middle names are Rose and Samantha but for almost all official things I just use my first middle name so it's a great way to honour your grandfathers without it really affecting the kid either way
  • Our son's name is Lincoln and we love it.  We gets lots of compliments on it too.  Congrats! 
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