Special Needs

How would you feel?

Hi All, how would you feel about this? Because I keep yo-yoing from angry to guilty to distraught.
My DD just started at a new preschool, this was her 3rd day. Yesterday I got a couple incident reports (shoved a girl, accidentally kicked a girl during a tantrum) and a phone call requesting a conference with the head of the school. I went to it this morning. 

I was asked to change her to half days until she is better adjusted/has started speech sessions.
In their defense, she is 3, very high energy, very speech delayed, very stubborn, and the rest of the class has been together since infancy. They asked for half days because that's when they have an extra teacher to put in the classroom.

I just got home and since I can't decide how I feel about this, (or open some wine at 10am), I thought I'd ask you. So: thoughts? Responses? Suggestions?
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Re: How would you feel?

  • Public or private school? Does she have an IEP? What are they doing to help her adjust/how will they help her adjust to the half day class? 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    11/10/10 The Kid
  • Private Daycare/Preschool center. 
    She has an appointment with the intermediate unit on the 26th, and an IEP should follow shortly(ish) after that date. 

    They are putting an extra teacher in her room with her so she gets more focused attention. They are trying to keep her playing and participating with the rest of the students. Beyond that, we are still problem solving.  

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  • I am so anxious/curious to see what the IEP says, but we have had endless delays, namely a cross country move. The director said unequivocally that DD needs to be in school, needs to be around other kids, but that they want to slowly work her up to it. A little more settled now, with another cup of coffee in me, I think Fredalina, you nailed it. Those meetings are excruciating. 

    Auntie : no one has suggested behavior mods that didn't rely on speech (mostly useless) or redirection. If you have any, I'll take them. 

    I am at their mercy, but I am also very grateful that they will work with me, and very grateful for the support of my ladies both online and in the real world. 
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