February 2015 Moms

Who plans to stick around?


Re: Who plans to stick around?

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    I'm still here.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image image image
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    I'm hoping that if those of us sticking around can continue to be active and try to ignore the influx of "interesting" newb posts that things will even out. 
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    I'm double dipping. I don't want to get banned because I'm not sure if it'll ban me on TK.
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    I'm on both.  How long I stay here depends on whether or not some of the ridiculous special posts continue. 
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    I'm a lurker/occasional poster and commenter. I'll probably hop back and forth. Is it naive of me to hope that things might go back to how they were... with the right kind of apology and unbannings...
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'll be here,..
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    No idea what exactly happened. I'm staying.
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    mali3 said:

    I am sticking around. By observation it looks like Feb 2015 board is one of the harder hit boards by these changes. Honestly the changes dont really impact me much as I dont use GIFS and I tend to just ignor peoples stupid comments and passover questions that would cause me to be snarky.

    This is me as well

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    mali3 said:

    I am sticking around. By observation it looks like Feb 2015 board is one of the harder hit boards by these changes. Honestly the changes dont really impact me much as I dont use GIFS and I tend to just ignor peoples stupid comments and passover questions that would cause me to be snarky.

    This is me as well
    This is me as well.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I'll probably hop back and forth. Though it's seems pretty empty around here. Why did this have to happen right before all of us started having our babehs?! :((

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    I agree @yesiknowwhatcausesthat‌. I understand that TB wants this pregnancy utopia, but it's just not life. If that's what they truly want, just have articles and get rid of forums altogether.
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    I've been here from the start although I don't post often. I'm planning on sticking around.
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    I plan to stay. 
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    I hope to stay on both, I was mostly a lurker before, but now I almost have time to be active. I can't give up with only a few weeks to go! But these stupid posts may just drive me out, I spend way too much time trying to figure out if they are authentic or a joke, sadly I think most are real...which is sad as hell.
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    I will be on both as well. I am mostly mobile during the day so TB is easier for day time for now. I just made a account for the new board last night. This makes me so sad this all went down so close to all our due dates.
    <Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker>
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    I'm really annoyed at what happened with this board and don't like the format or the accessibility of the other board. I don't know if I'll do either one
    imageLilypie Pregnancy tickers

    DS-1/27/04 DS-11/5/12 MC-5/7/14 BFP: 5/27/14 












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    Half lurker, half regular... I plan to check in on both. The format of this is way more familiar and user friendly for me since I'm exclusively mobile, and change it hard for me. Lookin forward to keeping up with everyone!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Staying here. I'm too tired and too pregnant to figure out another board system... though as others said if the Google posts continue that might change.

    BabyFruit Ticker


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    Can someone please explain what has happened? I see lots of changes, but can't seem to figure it out why besides someone got pissy and reported people.
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    Just lurking these days. The recent bull that has gone down, plus I've been super busy to boot. The board will never be the same. Not happy about having to give rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers to people who don't deserve it. So, for the time being, I'm just going to loom and lurk until D-day in the next 4 weeks.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    I've been here since my BFP with my first back in 2011 but I'm currently unsure. I will lurk these boards but I'm not sure how often I'll post. I tend to come on and post in waves. Meh.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I was going to lurk here a bit longer, until our due dates or maybe to search some old threads on the parenting board etc. but quite frankly following the admin post and the recent spate of random and gross posts (shitty gloves i'm talking to you) i don't see much point...
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    I'm active on both. I don't know how long I'll last here though. I am so close to telling these lurkers/noobs with these nasty( @poopylove‌ called it, the "shitty gloves" girl) and ridiculous questions, that they should be asking their doctor, exactly how nasty and rediculous they are.I have some pent up 3rd trimester hormones I wouldn't mind getting out.
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    I'm an every day lurker, once in a while poster and I'll stay for a bit. I really just want to see all these babies after hearing about and commiserating with all the havoc they've wreaked on all of our minds and bodies!
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    I'll still be here. The mobile version on the other is confusing!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Mostly lurker occasional contributor, I'm on both. This is easier for me to access mobile

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    mali3mali3 member
    edited January 2015
    Just my .02$ here, and i know many may not agree which is fine, but I just kind of hope people quit bringing up what happened...it is what it is and it's over. Regardless of what the bump did, right or wrong, its been done and thats it. If it angers you thats fine (and understandable), but lets just move on already. But it seems like it keeps resurfacing with people trying to stir the pot. And all these "noob" questions that surfaced over the past couple days are more than likely the result of bitter people messing around...not true noobs coming out of the woodwork.


     BabyFruit Ticker



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    Double dipping, mostly because I like the entertainment!
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    I'll be lurking once in a while, but definatly won't be on nearly as much!
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    Could someone please send me the link to PB? I've been mostly a lurker due to time constraints and anxiety issues (trying not to be the woman who asks the Internet about medical issues mid panic attack mostly), but I really don't like the atmosphere here since the change that seems to have come out of nowhere and really altered the atmosphere. I'm interested in checking out the other and see if it has a better vibe. Otherwise, I'll likely stay and drop after LO arrives soonish.
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