We are all in a major tradition right now, I hope we can pay more attention to empower and be grateful for the blessings in our lives. We are all so fortunate.
I hope we can all open our eyes to the horrible things our leaders are doing and then proceed to revolt because WE DON'T NEED THEM. There is a new hot tub to party at. If you don't know where it is then ask.
TTGP since September 2013. All cycles were annovulatory due to Depo.
Ummm is anyone aware the tou didn't actually change?
From what I understand, people are mostly angry about how people were mass IP banned. And actually, in the new guidelines it says that certain things will get you warnings or banned that weren't in the old guidleines/TOU.
First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09 Then came a miscarriage March '11 Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Ummm is anyone aware the tou didn't actually change?
Umm they did
Look at one of the first posts, the tou is not changed they just added "guidelines"
If they can ban people based on new "guidelines" then call them whatever u want but they are being enforced.
Btw that's not the point of any of this.
Yeah I got that, I was responding to dabears comment.
What part of her comment were you responding to? Either way it's not the point.
Dabears entire comment.. Her point was to revolt against the leaders because of these changes blah blah when the tou wasn't even changed. How does that not make sense?
Ummm is anyone aware the tou didn't actually change?
Umm they did
Look at one of the first posts, the tou is not changed they just added "guidelines"
If they can ban people based on new "guidelines" then call them whatever u want but they are being enforced.
Btw that's not the point of any of this.
Yeah I got that, I was responding to dabears comment.
What part of her comment were you responding to? Either way it's not the point.
Dabears entire comment.. Her point was to revolt against the leaders because of these changes blah blah when the tou wasn't even changed. How does that not make sense?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - But if there are new guidelines and the new guidelines are being enforced it sounds like guidelines is just a fancy term for TOU
Yes I get that is not what the op was about. I agree we should stop focusing on pettiness and be happy during this time in our lives, Well said @hankhunter
Ummm is anyone aware the tou didn't actually change?
Umm they did
Look at one of the first posts, the tou is not changed they just added "guidelines"
If they can ban people based on new "guidelines" then call them whatever u want but they are being enforced.
Btw that's not the point of any of this.
Yeah I got that, I was responding to dabears comment.
What part of her comment were you responding to? Either way it's not the point.
Dabears entire comment.. Her point was to revolt against the leaders because of these changes blah blah when the tou wasn't even changed. How does that not make sense?
No. That was not her point. Please read it again. She didn't mention the TOU. She mentioned their actions. They banned people left and right for no reason. Or over "guidelines." Many don't know why they were banned.
I hope we can all open or eyes to the horrible things our leaders are doing and then proceed to revolt because WE DON'T NEED THEM. There is a new hot tub to party at. If you don't know where it is then ask.
Ummm is anyone aware the tou didn't actually change?
Umm they did
Look at one of the first posts, the tou is not changed they just added "guidelines"
If they can ban people based on new "guidelines" then call them whatever u want but they are being enforced.
Btw that's not the point of any of this.
Yeah I got that, I was responding to dabears comment.
What part of her comment were you responding to? Either way it's not the point.
Dabears entire comment.. Her point was to revolt against the leaders because of these changes blah blah when the tou wasn't even changed. How does that not make sense?
No. That was not her point. Please read it again. She didn't mention the TOU. She mentioned their actions. They banned people left and right for no reason. Or over "guidelines." Many don't know why they were banned.
How does that not make sense?
She didn't say tou but that's part of what everyone is all upset about which is why I asked if ppl were aware there isn't actually a new tou. Not seeing what U are confused about still. It was just an observation
Ummm is anyone aware the tou didn't actually change?
Umm they did
Look at one of the first posts, the tou is not changed they just added "guidelines"
If they can ban people based on new "guidelines" then call them whatever u want but they are being enforced.
Btw that's not the point of any of this.
Yeah I got that, I was responding to dabears comment.
What part of her comment were you responding to? Either way it's not the point.
Dabears entire comment.. Her point was to revolt against the leaders because of these changes blah blah when the tou wasn't even changed. How does that not make sense?
No. That was not her point. Please read it again. She didn't mention the TOU. She mentioned their actions. They banned people left and right for no reason. Or over "guidelines." Many don't know why they were banned.
How does that not make sense?
She didn't say tou but that's part of what everyone is all upset about which is why I asked if ppl were aware there isn't actually a new tou. Not seeing what U are confused about still. It was just an observation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - The rules have still changed, they are just not called TOU
Ummm is anyone aware the tou didn't actually change?
Umm they did
Look at one of the first posts, the tou is not changed they just added "guidelines"
If they can ban people based on new "guidelines" then call them whatever u want but they are being enforced.
Btw that's not the point of any of this.
Yeah I got that, I was responding to dabears comment.
What part of her comment were you responding to? Either way it's not the point.
Dabears entire comment.. Her point was to revolt against the leaders because of these changes blah blah when the tou wasn't even changed. How does that not make sense?
No. That was not her point. Please read it again. She didn't mention the TOU. She mentioned their actions. They banned people left and right for no reason. Or over "guidelines." Many don't know why they were banned.
How does that not make sense?
She didn't say tou but that's part of what everyone is all upset about which is why I asked if ppl were aware there isn't actually a new tou. Not seeing what U are confused about still. It was just an observation
Once more: people are upset over the way the leaders handled this by banning mods and members who are integral parts of this community. THAT is why people are upset.
Besides that VERY CLEAR point, regardless of whether the TOU were changed, when you add mandatory "guidelines" that you ban people for not following, that is the same thing as a TOU. Who gives a crap what it's called.
I hope we can all open or eyes to the horrible things our leaders are doing and then proceed to revolt because WE DON'T NEED THEM. There is a new hot tub to party at. If you don't know where it is then ask.
YOU GUYS. We are not supposed to be going into hot tubs right now. GAWD.
@cgiles120812 can I just hijack this thread for a minute to say that I'm so glad you're still herrrrrre. I have always enjoyed your posts and felt like we have a lot in common. Please don't ever leave!
First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09 Then came a miscarriage March '11 Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
@cgiles120812 can I just hijack this thread for a minute to say that I'm so glad you're still herrrrrre. I have always enjoyed your posts and felt like we have a lot in common. Please don't ever leave!
Thank you
Lol I'm not leaving
BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th.
It's a girl!!! (:
Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
So, @Mamamads about that lady I met in the park yesterday (because you never did respond) I had more to the story! She was so annoying. Like the phrase "annoying as fuck" was coined around her existence. So fucking annoying. Anyway, even though she was clearly not welcome by ANY of my friends, she kept jumping in and trying to comment on EVERYTHING! And with the stupidest shit too! Like, shit that didn't even make sense. It's like she was just talking to hear herself talk. Ugh.
Anyway, my bump friends were right about their interpretations of my comment, not you. Deja vu though.
TTGP since September 2013. All cycles were annovulatory due to Depo.
So just a heads up, I'm not going anywhere so if you have an issue with me (because you can't think for yourself and piggy back off other people's opinions) then go ahead and ignore my comments/threads because you are wasting your energy. Go join your pals elsewhere.
So just a heads up, I'm not going anywhere so if you have an issue with me (because you can't think for yourself and piggy back off other people's opinions) then go ahead and ignore my comments/threads because you are wasting your energy. Go join your pals elsewhere.
I didn't expect you to leave, my pals are here and over there
BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th.
It's a girl!!! (:
Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
Re: Focused on the wrong things
From what I understand, people are mostly angry about how people were mass IP banned. And actually, in the new guidelines it says that certain things will get you warnings or banned that weren't in the old guidleines/TOU.
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
Btw that's not the point of any of this.
You are arguing over semantics
But if there are new guidelines and the new guidelines are being enforced it sounds like guidelines is just a fancy term for TOU
No. That was not her point. Please read it again. She didn't mention the TOU. She mentioned their actions. They banned people left and right for no reason. Or over "guidelines." Many don't know why they were banned.
How does that not make sense?
The rules have still changed, they are just not called TOU
Besides that VERY CLEAR point, regardless of whether the TOU were changed, when you add mandatory "guidelines" that you ban people for not following, that is the same thing as a TOU. Who gives a crap what it's called.
Again. Not. The. Point.
I can sleep soundly tonight now.
Who are you? And what's annoying about pointing out a simple fact sorry your tushies are hurt.
@cgiles120812 can I just hijack this thread for a minute to say that I'm so glad you're still herrrrrre. I have always enjoyed your posts and felt like we have a lot in common. Please don't ever leave!
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
Anyway, my bump friends were right about their interpretations of my comment, not you. Deja vu though.