February 2014 Moms

1st yr photos

Sunday DS2 is getting his one year pictures taken. Beside the smash the cake, does anyone have any first year photo ideas they are going to try?

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Re: 1st yr photos

  • Well if we happen to get a decently warm day I would like to do the same picture we did for DS (his Bday is in July). Everyone loves the picture! LO would wear boots and a hat but other wise be naked. But living in rochester the chance of getting a day warm enough for a quick outdoor picture is slim. Although the day we brought her home from the hospital it was almost 50! Keeping fingers crossed.

    Here DS's picture...
  • Silly picture didn't post...

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  • We're doing a cake smash and probably the birthday chalkboard.  His party is Mickey themed, so I plan on bringing some of the decorations to use as props.

  • I've thought about doing the picture that @adinashoshana posted.
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